The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #27 - The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy

A lone man, McWhirter, walks into a miniature golf course at night following instructions printed in cut and pasted letters. He hears a voice that instructs him to follow it.

"Where tracks and golf balls roll and wind, round colored banners of all kinds, here, new instructions you will find."

That what it says when the dude read it...McWhirter demands to know what's going on, but the voice tells him to follow some lights into a sand pit. He does so and discovers that it's quicksand. He is told he can either give up a collection of bearer bonds he's supposed to transport and be rescued, or he can keep the information to himself and die. McWhirter gives in. Megan sees something was going on at the golf course of someone trying to hurt someone else 'although saving him for the bad guy to get away', she gives Batman a call from her belt once again. Another problem to be solved.

"Yo, Bruce, you there? Looks like someone gave up the bearer bonds to some crook. Meet you at the police station." she said. "Gordon would probably want to hear about this."

"I'll meet you there."

And for Bruce/Batman and Megan do so right away. Later, Commissioner Gordon talks to them about the loss of the bearer bonds and what happened to McWhirter.

"All we know is this." Gordon explains to show a photo of the man. "This guy. Last night this man name McWhirter was supposed to deliver some bearer bonds to someone very important, only he was fool from the note to get stolen instead. He's lucky to be alive. Suppose to pick the donation...this could be trouble for business with that part stolen because of it."

Megan gets this part down, from the information and a photo of the man on her computer book.

"Makes sense when you think about it, it does coast a lot in the U.S. and more in their country to still work in some type of big business. Either way, we need to get it back to business for him."

"All for the starving refugees in Eastern European." Batman says the rest about it. "Yeah, I know."

"I know about it too." Megan said as well. "Don't worry, Gordon, we'll get them back."

The problem from the entire setup was this for Gordon to say it...

"McWhirter was supposed to meet with his contact, to be all a set up for him. Someone got to the bonds before he did. Now they're missing."

Soon Batman puts the pieces together.

"Someone trap him with quicksand that you described it?" ask Batman. "You know who that sounds like, don't you? Josiah Wormwood, the interrogator."

Batman easily deduces who's behind it: Josiah Wormwood, the interrogator. As Megan looks up of this man to be the most wanted bounty as a tough criminal to catch in Gotham.

"I heard about him..."

"The guy who sets up death traps to get what he wants from his victim?" asked Gordon.

"The same Wormwood." Megan says the rest when she looks up on Wormwood. "Josiah Wormwood, the interrogator, a genius on that he does best when getting people to tell or gets what he wants from others whether they're women or children too; but if don't give him anything will cost you your life from this guy did or to get what he wants as he always loves leaving notes to his victims on random hints of location to go to. Hard to catch this guy for a few years now, even for the cops."

Sadly, that's about all both Batman and Megan know about this guy and little to the other cops even for Gordon too.

"Traffic..." upsets Gordon. "Look up 'slippery' in the dictionary and you get Josiah Wormwood. Still, if anyone can try to stop this man is you two."

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