Adventures of Batman and Robin (SNES) - Adventures in Gotham City

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #54 - Adventures of Batman and Robin (SNES) – Adventures in Gotham City

(All base from the series Super Nintendo version to come out in 1994, I had to do a fan fiction here featuring Megan Tsuki 'of course' with Gordon, Barbara, Summer, Alfred, Gidget, Selina Kyle/Catwoman with her cat Isis, Bruce/Batman, and Dick/Robin to be in his fun video game and all...It also features a villain who's the new Man-Bat who's causing trouble all over Gotham for the trio to do their best to save the world 'again', for it gives things to other villains to cause even more trouble; from Joker with Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Penguin, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Riddler, and Clayface too for Batman, Megan, and Robin must work together to stop them all 'with Catwoman lending them a hand'. Will there be more details on Megan's background too? Well, we'll soon find out, won't we? Enjoy!)

It all starts out for someone breaks into the Gotham's Zoo to take something from the labs. The same rooms where Kirk and his wife Francine Langstrom use to work on the bat thing and Dr. March use to do, but they stopped it in time from all the events that happened, remember? From Kirk being additive and Francine got a cut from it, they're good now. Well, who was it this time? Leaving a red-claw type of markings on the ground to then be taking something to use from one of the chemicals. Hours later - something was flying in the skies for Gordon to go out with his daughter Barbara to be walking back home together for they felt a powerful gust of wind go by them, that was very strong.

"Ah, such powerful winds!" Barbara freaks out.

It goes away to not be so normal of wind passing by right now.

"Where did this type of weather come from?"

Good question, Gordon, where did it come from? For Isis was hears something crashing to see from out of the window of the flying figure to run up to Selina to see on what it was.

"Isis?" she sees it. "Either a movie is going on right now, or I'm starting to see things."

Still flying around to pass by one news reporter about to do tonight's top story being Summer Gleeson herself for her and the camera man spots it from the skies to move so fast.

"What the-?"

"A creature of a bat! Did you get it on film?!" she asked her partner.

"A little..." he said.

She looked happy.

"Wow! Wait until I show and tell the guys about this next story of mine!"

They weren't the only ones either, same with Dick Grayson just doing some jogging to be freaking out from hear someone screaming down below him to hit something with. Nice hit! Only to fly off again to see just a little.

"What was that?" he asked himself. "I don't think it was a giant bird who just attacked me..."

And for Megan to be sleeping back at the Wayne Manor's place...for Bruce to be sleeping too, Gidget was charging up, and Alfred cleaning up the place a little, it happened. A huge glass of a window breaks loud to get Megan up in a hurry to find out who or what it was.

"Huh?" she got out her gun. "Freeze! Don't move!"

The creature made some type of sound for Megan sees it was a brand-new Man-Bat 'to be the third time now' and tries attacking her. As Megan uses her watch to use pepper spray at it to blind it, she kicks it away in time, only for it to make a getaway before Alfred could trap it to use some type of home security traps to be too powerful to grab a hold of. A close call there, that's for sure!

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