Perchance to Dream

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #26 – Perchance to Dream

Batman and Megan were chasing some crooks into a warehouse; from driving and then fleeing inside of a building to go after them.

"Oh, nice way to drive to almost killing us, losers!" Megan got her gear out and she was good to go. "Come on, Batman, they're headed inside."

Batman got his hook shot already to go as he carries Megan inside of the place.

"I'm already way ahead of you."

"As of me to be like you are."

The two enter to stay close...That's when, suddenly, Batman and Megan find themselves to have walk right into a trap.

"Ah!" Batman had trouble seeing. "Megan!"

"Batman! This is bad! I can't see!" Megan was having trouble as well. "It's a trap!"

Blinded by a sudden flash of light, they see something about to fall on both of their heads and they were soon knocked out. Well, something for Batman as Megan were both having trouble moving anywhere else.

"What the-?!"


That was the last time Bruce/Batman hears from Megan's voice once...whatever just happened. It is then Bruce wakes up in bed and is greeted by Alfred.

"Good morning, Master Bruce!" said the butler. "Rise and shine sir!"

"I'm lucky to be awake at all." he said. "I fell under that trap like an amateur."

Alfred was lost in what Bruce was saying to him. Huh? What...?

"Trap, sir?"

"How'd I get back here? Robin? What's going on...?" Bruce questions himself. "Where's Megan Robin?"

He seems ignorant of Bruce Wayne's life as Batman, not knowing what he meant when he says Bruce himself and Megan fell into a trap and mistakes the name Robin to Megan's name too for the names of any women Bruce may've been dating.

"Robin, sir? A young lady? But I thought you and Miss Selina were-- Pardon me, sir. None of my business." the butler was lost.

"If this is a joke, Alfred, it's not funny."

Bruce thinks Alfred was playing around with him, but he wasn't.

"If it's a joke sir, it's surely on me. You're just tired." Alfred was still lost. "Perhaps morning coffee ought to clear the cobwebs."

Speaking of Megan, she wakes up in a wet water type of puddle on the ground. She remembers on what happened to her and Bruce to try to find him. For she ended up outside of the building after chasing after some bad guys, what's happening?

"(Huh? What? Why am I back outside...?)" Megan looks around. "Weird, I knew about Bruce and me were in some type of building...So, why am I...?" she was feeling weird to look at her hands looking dirty. "Something's wrong." Megan then sees herself looking like a homeless type of bum in Gotham. "Huh?! What happened to me and my clothes?! Why do I look like this?!"

Another male bum comes up to try to offer Megan something less of food leftovers to eat.

"Ah, miss. Care to join us...?"

Megan freaks out to run away for she had no watch, computer book, weapons, a bag, her real clothes, and such...nothing!

"(Okay, I'm freaking out here! Bruce! Where is he?!)"

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