The Underdwellers

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #5 - The Underdwellers

A couple of young boys stand atop a train and play chicken with the oncoming tunnel. Batman is right behind them and shakes his head seeing what they're doing. One of the boys sees him and jumps, but the 'winner' gets his foot caught in cables and Batman must save him. He then warns the two boys to play it safe. Or rather say this to them...

"If you play chicken long enough, you'll fry."

Ha! Nice one. Seems like Batman was taking care of things to keep Gotham in check all over, although it was boring for Megan to not find anything for her was a different story.

"(Jay walking...Littering...Dodging traffic on the streets from oncoming cars...Sneaking into movie theaters without paying...)" she was getting bored while searching through her binoculars-like goggles. "So boring! Bruce told me that working for him would be fun, but patrolling every night without something happening or not life threatening is dull! Still, I better have another look in the city one more time and meet up with him in a bit."

Off Megan goes for she was a good to work out from running and jumping from one building to another. Elsewhere, a rather rich-looking woman has her purse snatched by a young boy wearing a green cloak.

"My purse!" the woman cries out. "Help! A thief!"

This mysterious person gets away for Megan to hear about a pick pocket to be going around.

"(Now we're talking!)" she contacts Batman using her belt. "Batman, some rich woman was robbed by some small thief in a green hoodie. Better get down here right away."

As Batman meets up with Megan, they overhear the rich woman calls the police and claims that a leprechaun robbed her.

"I'm telling you it was a leprechaun!" she said.

I doubt they'll believe in this type of story.

"Really, ma'am. You expect me to believe you saw a little green man?"

Just then, Batman runs past them from leaping onto the roof of the police cruiser. As Megan follows her partner on foot as they continued. Well for Batman to jump from roofs of cars, leaving the woman to faint into the officer's arms. As the police don't believe in rich woman, for the two crime fighting heroes sees the thief in the back alley to see for themselves.

"Over there!" Megan points out.

Jumping from car to car for the in search for this unknown person, but Batman and Megan go after the thief only to lose him in an alley. And almost getting hit by a police car for Megan to be saved by Batman, using his hook shot to get on top of the building safely.

"You okay?" he asked.

Megan gets back on her feet for Batman to be carrying her.

"I'm fine...!" she said to feel shy from Batman carrying her. "Thanks for saving me. And did you hear from the rich woman? She said a thief stole her purse was a leprechaun of some kind. Weird..."


Back in the Batcave, Bruce talks to Alfred, uncertain with what he saw.

"Finally, we got ourselves a real mystery to be solved." Megan said. "Well...If we can find one that is."

Bruce couldn't agree with Megan even more on this one.

"Tell me about it." he said to her to telling his butler the rest. "Leprechauns, Alfred."

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