The Cat and the Claw Parts 1 and 2

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #13 – The Cat and the Claw

Out in uptown Gotham City, a sneaky female thief called by Catwoman sneaks into an expensive apartment and steals a valuable necklace using her cat, Isis to see the security lasers and slip past them. She was good, I mean she was very good to be a clever type of thief. Well, with reasons even though it's still a crime to steal anything. However, Batman is watching and chases after the culprit after Megan calls him up to see this for himself.

"See? What did I tell you? I was right, wasn't I?" she said.

"So, our new cat burglar's a woman." he said. "Stay on guard, Megan."

She was ready to follow Batman to stop the thief.

"On it."

As Catwoman and her cat pet/partner Isis make their way down to thought to hear and see someone, they drop at a nearby building to see or hear nothing.

"Hmm...Probably my imagination..." Catwoman thought to herself about it.

Then Batman shows himself with Megan holding her gun out at the female thief.

"Probably not." Batman said to show himself out of the shadows.

Isis meows in fear of seeing danger next to them.

"No kidding." and Megan. "Hi, lady. I take it from your looks and the way you steal things as a thief, you go by...Catwoman. Am I correct? I'm Megan Tsuki, a bounty hunter of Gotham City and I work for Batman here. You know, the Dark Knight and the hero of Gotham? Nice to meet you."

Now Isis was growling at the two, for Catwoman loves the looks of Batman.

"Magnificent." she said to say something to Megan. "And yes, young woman. I do go by Catwoman indeed."

"I knew it. (And is she flittering with Batman? Doesn't she know we're her enemies here?)"

Batman goes after her.

"I suggest you save your flattery for the judge."

Catwoman is intrigued but leaps from the building top and uses her whip and acrobatic abilities to flee.

"No, wait!" Megan couldn't catch up to Catwoman in time. "She's like a cat person all right, she's got skills."

Batman and Megan easily manage to catch up with Catwoman and her cat and chases her over the rooftops of Gotham.

"So long, Dark Knight and friend." said Catwoman.

"Drop in any time."

From Isis meowing again for her and Catwoman see Batman and Megan up close, well she had some skillful shoes to jump and with speed to get around from building to building.

"You're too kind."

"Don't make this worse than it already is." Megan said to stop the thief.

With Isis trying to guard her master, Catwoman mocks Megan to be nothing more than a partner to Batman. She likes him...Well, I wouldn't mind in the animated series itself, but from here...Oh, boy.

"Which one? Taking your partner or outsmarting you, girlie?" Catwoman questions Megan.

That gets to her very hard in words.

"Excuse me?!"

Catwoman makes a run for it on foot still while her cat was following her from behind.

"Let's go, Megan!" Batman chases her down.

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