Paging the Crime Doctor

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #48 - Paging the Crime Doctor

A lone armored truck drives the night streets of Gotham. An ambulance drives up behind it and the drivers pull over. However, the ambulance drivers pull out a gun and blow out the truck's tires. They then hurl a gas bomb into the truck causing the drivers to pass out and crash. A trio of criminals crawls out of the ambulance and steal its cargo. For Megan sees all of this while driving on the other side of the road, pulling over to the other side to get a ride from Batman instead to give her a lift while stopping the bad guys.

"(Oh, brother...this again? Whatever. We do what must be done.)" she contacts Batman from her belt. "Yo, Bruce, some bad guys are robbing an ambulance truck on the streets of Gotham. Meet you there, I'm pinpointing my!"

They muse over how easy the job was, but Batman comes to disabuse them of that notion.

"What the?!" all three men were surprised.

As well as Megan uses her magnetic boots to jump on top of the car with her gun out to fire a warning shot on their rearview mirror.

"Hiya, boys, pull over, would you? All of you freaks are under arrest for robbing some supplies that'll save people's lives with!"

"It's the Batman and his girl Megan!"

The crooks put up a fight, but Batman manages to force them to crash and proceeds to apprehend them. Trying to speed up the car to push the two of them off it, Batman uses his skills to grab hold of Megan to land down on his feet.

"You okay?" he asks her.

"Never better." Megan likes the feeling only to tells Batman to stop for now. "Ah, Batman...We're in a middle of..." he then lets her go gently.


Maybe later, you love birds!

"We'll have some fun later, but for now...we got bigger fish to fry."

Batman stops the car to stopping the crooks now as Megan uses her taser gun from watch to overdrive the vehicle. She stops one being the driver, the others for Batman to hold on to...However, one of the criminals takes hold of the stolen cargo: a surgical laser and fires it at Batman and Megan with it.

"That thing's deadly!" said Batman. "Megan, stay down!"

"I know already!"

Batman's cowl is grazed and though the laser malfunctions, Batman is thrown off balance just long enough for the crooks to throw him from the bridge.

"Got him!" said the bad guy.


The other goes up to her to knock Megan out cold to be on the ground and for them to throw her gun into the waters, luckily, she uses something to shield her head to also see them escaping to be more worried about Batman falling off the bridge.

"He's history. No one could take that kind of fall and live." the other crook said.

"And his doll?" one asks his partner.

They 'think' she'll be out cold for a bit longer for them to escape.

"She won't be bothering us for a while, so let her be for now."

They believe Batman is dead and Megan was out to be leaving; waking up to try to find Batman, he has luckily managed to land on a cable car and escapes, albeit dazed. Megan uses her backpack jet pack to fly on over to him.

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