Pretty Poison

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #4 – Pretty Poison

On a strip of bare land, Mayor Hill announces the beginning of construction for a new, modern prison, Stonegate Penitentiary, which will go a long way toward making Gotham safe for its citizens. Hill commends District Attorney Harvey Dent as the driving force behind the prison's construction. He also thanks Bruce Wayne and the Wayne Foundation for funding the project. Together, Harvey and Bruce dig the first shovelful of dirt during the groundbreaking ceremony. Before the first bulldozer starts excavating the land, a pair of hands belonging to an unseen person who carefully uproots a tall wild rose growing in the ground and pots it. Somehow, Megan was with this mysterious person from five years ago at some science type of research lab for plant-like types only to study upon them. Odd, huh? What was Megan doing back then?

"Hey there." she calls out to the person. "Still working on those roses, huh? Well, whatever makes you happy. I'm just in this class for science but nothing too much but to study on plants. So... yeah, you better hurry it up and finish. Class is almost over." Seems like this person has a lot to do so for Megan to leave to ever seen this unknown person afterwards. "Bye. (What an odd person to be loving plants that much...)" Or so she thought to say to herself about it...Five years later, an inmate of the completed Stonegate Prison escapes with the help of a helicopter-flying accomplice. Both are stunned when a tow cable is wrapped around the chopper's tail, causing it to crash, and both are apprehended by Batman. Just holding on in midair with his hook shot of course for Megan to follow him by car 'a red type of sports car she always drives in'. "You're on them now, Batman!" she reports to him from her car and into his ear of a microphone. "Just don't look down. Or let go. I'm below you to keep track of those thugs." Seems like Batman had no trouble. He brings the entire helicopter down with the two guys for Megan caught one of them once she got on top of a building by foot, but the other one... "Hey! Get back here!"

At the same time, Harvey Dent 'a friend of Bruce' is seated in a restaurant with his very beautiful girlfriend, Pamela Isley, waiting for the arrival of Bruce and Megan 'being Bruce's bodyguard to hide their true goal from working together'. And Bruce as Batman who likes Megan deep down. As Batman chases after the criminal with Megan trying to catch up to him. Fighting near the edge of the building for the man trying to hit Batman with a metal pole, he fights back to pushing him aside and for Megan uses her watch of a stun gun to zap the man.

"Who...Who are you?" ask the criminal.

"I'm your worst nightmare."

Nice one, Batman.

"And your worse fears by not messing with us ever again." said Megan. "A shocking end, wouldn't you say?"

Batman and Megan deliver the escapees to the police just as they arrive on helicopter and Bullock saying so on the megaphone.

"This is the police! Nobody move!"

Megan places the two aside to get arrested and for Batman and her to make a leave.

"We were just leaving, you guys!" she said to be taking off. "But they won't go anywhere else anymore. All yours!"

Seems for the two were caught again while the other one feared for his life.

"Big wings!"

"Yeah, yeah, big wings." said Montoya.

Everything was then taken care of from there now. Then Batman calls Alfred to say that he and Megan were running late for their dinner date.

"Alfred, we're running behind schedule." Bruce tells Alfred.

"After stopping two bad guys, I don't want to end up being late here." said Megan. "Still, who would've thought that you, Bruce Wayne, were friends with a defense attorney Harvey Dent. That's kind of cool."

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