I Am the Night

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #43 – I Am the Night

On the anniversary of the death of his parents, Batman sits in the Batcave, tired. As Megan was trying to find Bruce all over the manor both the inside and the out.

"Bruce? Bruce? Bruce, where are you...? (Strange, he doesn't do this a lot unless there was some real emergency going on. Where could he be?)" she bumps into Alfred to go see Bruce down in the Batcave.

"Ms. Megan, are you looking for Master Bruce?" he asked.

"Yes I am, Alfred, have you seen him anywhere?" ask Megan.

"Have you try the Batcave yet? I'm delivering something to him, come and join me if you want to."

Megan should've known about looking down there.

"(Well, duah!) Very well, I'll follow you. One of the last places I should've looked for is down the Batcave."

"But in case you were wondering about today, Ms. Megan, he's not himself for this day...is rather a sad one."

When Alfred said those certain words to Megan, she was confused.

"Wait, sad? What do you mean?" Megan asks the butler.

Well, on the way down there he tells Megan everything for the day Bruce's Mother and Father Martha and Thomas Wayne were killed, a very sad one. Seems like Batman was down there in the Batcave who looked really upset and all.

"Master Bruce, are you...all right, sir?"

Megan sees on what Alfred kind of meant there about Bruce not feeling like himself today.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, Bruce. Are you sick?" Megan uses her fan-like temperature to see Bruce was fine. "Guess you're not. Alfred told me you weren't yourself today, why is that?"

"Nothing. It just...I'm tired, Alfred. Megan." he said.

Alfred leaves some food and drink for Bruce to have.

"Well, I should've wonder. You've taken no meals today. I can't recall when you last slept."

"Neither can I for me to be so busy to sleep it off afterwards." said Megan.

Alfred points out that he hasn't eaten or slept for a while, but Batman says the problem isn't his body, but his spirit.

"A weary body can be dealt with, but a weary spirit, that's something else." Bruce/Batman checks the newspaper and discovers that the Penguin's conviction was overturned due to a technicality. Seeing this only makes Batman wonder if he's really doing any good. "Sometimes, old friend, I wonder if I'm really doing any good out there."

Megan and Alfred both think Bruce is as Batman all the time.

"What? I think we are, Bruce, when we work together both you and me. Right, Alfred?"

"How can you doubt it?" said Alfred. "The lives you've saved, the criminals you've brought to justice, and the girl you really care for who works with you--"

Alfred assures him that he is, but Batman claims that despite what he's done, the war against crime continues.

"I've put out a few fires, yes. More to Megan helping me out to be both smart and beautiful and have won a few battles too."

"Hey, just doing my job really." Megan said to be blushing a little. "You don't have to rub it in you know."

"But the war goes on, Alfred. On and on..." Bruce gets up to be in his Batman suit to be ready to go. "Megan, if you don't mind coming along with me tonight, please do." he then turns to Alfred next. "Do you have it?"

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