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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #73 – Bane

After being crossed for the umpteenth time by Batman, Rupert Thorne decides to hire the chemically powered superhuman Bane to assassinate the Dark Knight once and for all, and Robin too. All but Megan to stop her himself since Rupert has a bit a crush on her. Gross! Upon arriving in Gotham, Bane strikes up a friendship with Thorne's aide Candice, and meets with Thorne, who pays him a suitcase full of diamonds.

"Guess you're very lucky to hire someone like me. Mr. Throne."

"Good." said Rupert. "Candice here will give you full detail on Batman, stop him and Robin if he gets in the way. As for Batman's gal Megan Tsuki, I want her brought to me alive. That means no breaking, killing, or hurting her too badly."

Rupert shows the photos of the three people for Bane sees and one to have Megan looking hot.

"I can see why you want him gone after what he did to you from taking the diamonds. And wanting this princess, I also see. She's kind of cute."

Candice got a bit jealous when Bane was only saying that in a commented kind of way, or was he...

"I take for Mr. Throne to be with Megan than the bat that's for sure." Candice said to also be hiding her jealousy to be cute around Bane. "I know you'll get the job done in no time."

"You almost didn't get paid. You're lucky these diamonds didn't get nabbed in the smuggling bust." Rupert said.

Well, Bane says it differently...

"No, Mr. Thorne. You're the lucky one." he punches the punching bag across the room.

Wow! He's that strong, huh? Not good...Looking at the newspaper of Killer Croc, he had a plan...Rather than rushing in, Bane, curious to know how Batman fights, decides to tail the recently escaped Killer Croc to a construction yard. Oh boy, what luck huh?

"I'm paying you to go after Batman, not Killer Croc." said Rupert.

But again, Bane has a plan to be smarter and stronger than he appears to be.

"I wish to learn how Batman thinks and fights for myself to see in person. I do that, then I will break him and bring his girlfriend to you alive and unharmed. You said to kill Batman, but not the girl, that I understand. I will observe the Bat in action and when I understand how he thinks and fights I will break him. Now, tell where I can find this Killer Croc?"

Guess he was robbing the safe to cause trouble in construction yard for Killer Croc can have some back up after taking two cops down...For him and the others to be stopped by Batman, Megan, and Robin coming in to the rescue. Well, more like coming through the window to crash right into it.

"Hiya, boys." Megan fires a warning shot in the air. "Stop what you're doing! All of you!"

"Batman! Bird Boy! And Megan!" shock Killer Croc.

For the three to stop the thugs and Killer Croc almost escaping with the safe, but Batman uses the flash bomb to make him lose it and making a run for it now.

"Megan! Robin! He's getting away!" Batman said to give chase.

Megan runs fast enough to catch up to the two crime fighting duos.

"Wait up, boys!"

Croc is already on the run from Batman, Megan, and Robin and Bane confronts him in the sewer.

"Come on in, Batman, the water's fine."

Suddenly, Bane punches a hole in the wall and confronts Croc.

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