Joker's Favor

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #18 - Joker's Favor

Charlie Collins, a normal everyday guy, bad day, huh? Bummer...

"Boss turns me down for a raise, my kid needs braces, and Bonnie's cooking meat loaf for what point did I become life's punching bag?" he talks to himself.

It gets worse, inadvertently cusses out the Joker when the latter's getaway car cuts him off on the highway after a particularly bad day. The Joker runs him off the road and corners him.

"Now, look, my rude friend, we can't have people cursing at each on the freeway." said the mad clown. "It's simply not polite!" Joker then jumps and grabs Charlie. "I'm just going to have to teach you some manners."

Desperate to save his life, Charlie mentions he has a wife and son and promises to do anything the Joker asks of him. He accepts and takes Charlie's license and leaves. When Charlie asks what, the favor will be, Joker says he has not thought of it yet, but when he does, he will be in touch. I feel bad for the man...As two years have passed, for at the Gotham Police station for Gordon to hear about something that he'll be having.

"It's a waste of time, money, and manpower." he said.

"Come on, Commissioner, it's the party and free meals there. Isn't that right, hot stuff?"

So says Bullock to be checking out Megan who might be going.

"And maybe for you." she follows Gordon in his office. "I think it's fun having a party with you being the best officer in Gotham."

"You think so?" Gordon asks her.

The poster says this – 'Testimonial in honor of Police Commissioner James Gordon. Tuesday night at the Gotham Peregrinator's Club at for the Police of honor and fund raiser'.

"So what of it?" ask Megan.

"It just a waste of time for me."

Then a familiar voice enters in the room.

"Some of the force would have to disagree with you."

Megan and Gordon knew Batman would up.

"I know, right?" Megan said to her partner. "Trust me. I've been trying to talk to this guy all day to go. But would he listen to me? I think not."

"But if anyone should get a testimony, is you." Gordon does have a point for Batman and Megan are the real heroes here.

"I do things as any other bounty hunter would, Gordon." so says Megan. "(Nice thought though.)"

"And I'm just a night shift." same with Batman. "You deal with this mess twenty-four hours a day. That's what the people want to honor."

I guess thanks to Batman's help, seems like Gordon will go to it in his honor.

"Okay, you two, I'll go. Food, fun, and everyone will be with me too...You don't know where I can get I tux, do you-?"

Gordon sees Batman gone to go through the window to be opened, as Megan wasn't used to it by now then with Gordon's.

"There he goes again."

"I hated when he does that."

"Who doesn't?" Megan asks him. "(Still...Bruce and I better keep an eye on Gordon during the event...Just in case something does happen.)"

So true, Megan, for she and Bruce/Batman will do so. Speaking of that event, the Joker learns that Commissioner Gordon is to be given an award and decides to call in the favor that Mr. Collins owes him. The Joker has kept tabs on Charlie this time, even though Charlie has changed his name and moved to a different city. Charlie is terrified when the maniacal clown calls him and drops a thinly veiled threat to his family's safety. Charlie has no choice but to travel to Gotham.

Batman: The Animated Series - A Bounty Hunter's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now