Mad as a Hatter

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #23 – Mad as a Hatter

A small group of lab rats is given a miniature tea set and react to it much as any normal rat would. However, Jervis Tetch, an expert of neuro-technology at Wayne Enterprises, activates a mind control device and the rats suddenly sit around the table and accept tea poured into their cups. Jervis is delighted with his success, but a blonde co-worker named Alice Pleasance runs in and warns Jervis that Dr. Marcia Cates and Mr. Wayne 'with Megan tagging along as Bruce's bodyguard' are arriving.

"Dr. Cates. Mr. Wayne. Megan. Right this way." Alice leads them inside.

I guess this was Megan's first time in a place like this.

"Nice place you got here, working on something special from the looks of it."

"Bruce, you remember Jervis Tech..." Cates said to him.

The two men shake on it.

"Hello..." said Jervis.

Bruce asks Jervis about a proposed project on using microchips to increase the brain's potential.

"Ah, yes, I remember. I heard you were making some type of microchip to increase the brain's potential. How's interesting."

"A mind control chip, huh?" Megan wanted to hear more about it. "Do tell..."

However, having been working on his mind-control device, Jervis can only offer an excuse.

"Well, the prototype isn't ready just yet."

"Tech. I do think we own Mr. Wayne more than just excuses." said Cates.

Well, he has been doing well on the mice thing to be testing it so far...

"That's all right, Dr. Cates." said Bruce to understand the project. "Mr. Tech is a valuable person in the research team. I'm sure we can spare him more time."

"And it's cool the way he'll be making it, huh?" Megan said to him.

Well, he does have his reasons too besides business of Jervis line of work.

"It's for someone...a girl I really care about..."

Megan didn't know who it was, but it was Alice who worked with him.

"That's nice. I hope you make her very happy, whoever your girlfriend is. (I bet she would be proud of this guy's work. I'm kind of jealous.)"

Bruce is fine with it, but the abusive Cates is not. Yeah, from the look on her face, I can see why.

"If you say so, Bruce." she said to put on an act.

"Thank you." Jervis shakes hands with Bruce.

Soon Bruce and Megan leave the place until next time.

"Later!" Megan said. "(I just hope Cates doesn't push this guy too far.)"

As she's leaving the lab, she warns Jervis 'heads could roll if you slip up again'.

"You got off easy this time, Tetch, but heads could roll if you slip up again." Cates warns Jervis.

Alice kindly tries to cheer Jervis up, but having a boyfriend, Billy, she considers him only as a dear friend. Jervis thinks about leaving Alice alone or using his mind-control device to make her love him; neither one of these ideas truly appeals to him. However, Jervis hears Alice crying and, much to his happiness, discovers that after a fight, Billy has broken up with her.

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