The Laughing Fish

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #29 – The Laughing Fish

The catch of the night comes in and the fishermen look.

"Okay, let's see what we got!" the fisherman seems to be felt horrified. "Eww...It's impossible!"

"I'm gonna be sick."

The other fisherman notices something about the catch of today.

"All of them...with the Joker's face!"

The man was right. They are horrified and disgusted to see that every fish is white with green fins and has a huge Joker smile. Shocking the others to be seeing this and they were all grossed out.

"Looks just like him!"

"Can't be..."

"Call the police."

Megan and Batman watches from afar and the Dark Knight mutters...

"He's made his move."

"Still, we can't just leave these...ugly fish grins with the others." Megan grabs one to be using her special gloves to pick it up. "With these gloves of mine, we should find our answers with this and looking through the inside on how the Joker made it possible. I really can't stand fish."

"It's not your favorite meal?" Batman asks her.

"It just smells bad, Bruce, let's put it like that." Megan then sees Bruce looking at her funny. "What is it now?"

"Nothing. Should we head back to the Batcave?"

The two return there right away.

"Yeah, I got what we needed. Let's go."

Hey, what was on Bruce/Batman's mind today? It had something to do with Megan of course. A special day maybe...? As well as the newspaper saying about the fish for another Joker's plot to happen again. While Batman and Megan both return to the Batcave and analyzes a Joker Fish on the tray, for Alfred to come by to see it up close...

"Dinning in tonight, sir?" Alfred asks Bruce.

"The dissection stray, please, Alfred."

Sometimes Bruce can't take a little joke from his butler.

"Okay, here's what I'm getting..." Megan sees her glove to read out any toxic things from within the fish. "It's affected with a deadly laughing gas to hurt these fishes. From getting sprayed on the first time and then again, and whoever eats them will affect themselves to die by laughing uncontrollably. This is all I can find." she puts the rest in her computer book.

Alfred gives Bruce the stray on which he needs to analyze the fish next.

"Any idea what our happy friend is up to now?" Alfred asks them.

"You got me." Megan then sees a paper sticking out of this fish. "What's this...?"

As Bruce answers Alfred question...

"Normal criminals usually have logical motives, but the Joker's insane schemes make sense to him alone."

Megan then reads something from a strange-looking letter signed by the Joker himself to catch her attention. Why is that? It was sent to her as a warning.

"This is address to me!" she reads it. "It says: 'Remember on what you said about me 'being the king of fools' to have my own merchandises then being the 'king of idiots', Megs? Well, your wish came true and so will yours real soon'.... (What does the fish thing have to with me...? Ah!! I said it on TV once to Mayor Hill! Me and my big mouth!)"

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