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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #6 – P.O.V.

It was night in Gotham City and Renee Montoya and her new partner, rookie Officer Wilkes, race through the city trying to reach Harvey Bullock with time to spare.

"Sorry, I've never reached a sting before." said Wilkes.

"It ought to be a hot one." she said back.

However, when they reach their destination, a warehouse, they find that it's on fire and Bullock is outside groaning in pain. Ironically, for Wilkes to sort of sees Montoya's point up close.

"Hot is right. What happened?"

While Renee scolds Bullock for not waiting for them, a couple of thugs run out of the place and Renee tells Wilkes to go after them while she searches the warehouse for any stragglers. Bullock struggles to his feet and looks up, seeing Batman on the roof. With Megan letting him know that Bullock was fine before heading back inside of the burn up building.

"He's fine, Batman!" she said to him. "Come on! We need to stop the ones from the outside and then go back inside again! Let's go!"

And off those two went for Bullock to see it all happen before passing out.

"Megan...! And Batman...!"

Later, the three officers are sitting under the lights while Lieutenant Hackle from Internal Affairs berates them, over the objections of Commissioner Gordon. Oh, boy...And Megan had to tag along with this since she lost sight of Batman somehow for only Montoya, Wilkes, and Bullock to tell their side of the stories.

"When I'm done with you, clowns, you won't qualify as security guards!" angered Hackle. "The department worked for months against those drug lord."

From what Hackle's ranting meant was that the sting took months to set up, and the police have lost the $2 million cash they laid out as bait. That much, huh?

"Great, now he tells us..." upsetting Megan.

"Sorry I dragged you into this mess, Megan." said Gordon. "But we need to know what happened, I won't let Hackle's words get the best out of my men."

At least he was on her side and the other three who were in deeper trouble for Megan to get the whole thing.

"It's alright, Gordon. I'm just worried about Batman. I hope he'll be okay on his own. I knew I should've stayed with him!"

Hackle was angry with the three cops to demand some answers right away even by force.

"Because of all of this, and Megan with us here who respects the law...Wishes to hear from your stinking mistakes!"

Seems like Hackle respects Megan to follow the law as a bodyguard.

"Hey, don't blame me!" Bullock said while eating.

"Well, one of you did." Hackle hits Bullock's hand to remove the chocolate bar. "Or maybe what we got here is three cops on a take but a bounty hunter to do her part right!"

Demanding to know who is responsible for the fiasco, he even suggests that one or more of the officers in front of him are on the take. Gordon angrily demands that Hackle allow the officers a chance to explain.

"Now hold on a minute-!"

Gordon stops Megan to say it instead to save her the trouble.

"That's uncalled for!" he said.

"What?!" upsetting Wilkes.

Even Montoya too to get out of her seat.

"You can't be serious!"

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