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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #80 – Lock-Up

Batman, Megan 'with Gidget tagging along', and Robin, having captured the Scarecrow, return him to the gates of Arkham Asylum. Scarecrow is shaking with terror, and begs them to let him go, saying he only escaped to get away from...'him'. What did he mean by that?

"Don't take me back there, please! Look at me, Batman! I'm shaking with fear! Me, the Scarecrow! I wasn't even to go back to crime this time! I just had to get away from...him!"

He was talking about Lyle Bolton, Arkham's imposing new chief of security, appears at the entrance and takes hold of Scarecrow, telling him that he'll be the only escapee from Arkham on his watch. Megan has heard a lot about this man, but not to hear any good things at all to keep her eyes open.

"Wait...The Lyle Bolton." she said. "This guy? (I never thought I see him again...)"

"I'll take it from here, Batman." he comes down to take Scarecrow back in his cell. "Megan, how's the bounty hunter life going for you?"

With Gidget freaking out to hide behind Megan, she just ignores him a little to say this...

"Nothing much, Lyle, how's the guarding the bad inmates of Arkham going with you?"

Lyle then sees Batman and Robin for the first time to introduce himself to them.

"I'm Lyle Bolton." he shows his badge to them. "Chief of security of this place. So, you two must be Batman and Robin. I've heard rumors about dating with Megan Tsuki here. Two boyfriends fighting crime together. Nice." Lyle gets to Scarecrow. "Congratulations, Professor Crane. You're the first inmate to escape Arkham under my charge." he grabs hold of Scarecrow to take him away. "You're also the last." Bolton apologizes to the heroes for Scarecrow's escape and makes an ominous vow that he won't let them, or the people of Gotham down again. "You three keep up the good work and so will I. I won't let you and the people of Gotham City down again, Batman. Heh heh."

Robin is impressed by Bolton's dedication, but Batman detects something sinister beneath Bolton's professional demeanor.

"I think Bolton's work does pay off to help out in Arkham."

"Maybe too good..." said Batman.

"You really think so?" ask Robin.

Megan thinks so to agreeing with Batman on this one.

"Still, it's hard to say anything about Lyle. I've seen this guy a lot. Once a cop at the ultra-prison on the ocean port of California. He was the tough one to make strong locks and chains on the inmates, so good in fact that he tried killing one criminal for a small crime; got kicked out afterwards to get some help and they release after that to control his anger issues to be like a superhero to the world, but I've see it myself. To me, it's only a monster Lyle truly is. Gidget, show Batman and Robin some proof. Print it out."

Once Gidget does to show some news about Lyle's madness, Batman believes in Megan's words to look up more about Bolton himself.

"Megan, you may be on to something." Batman said. "We might have to look up on this man a bit more in person..."

Bruce Wayne makes inquiries, and Dr. Bartholomew convenes a review hearing, attended by Bruce, Megan, Commissioner Gordon, and Mayor Hill.

"I call this meaning to hear about Mr. Lyle Bolton's issue to check on..." said Dr. Bartholomew. "We'll shall see and hear for ourselves today in this room."

It was the Wayne Foundation that endowed the new post at Arkham and suggested Bolton as 'the perfect man for the job', but Bruce now says he has some misgivings.

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