Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #84 - Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero Movie

Well, guess we know what happen from episode of Deep Freeze, right? It's time to show and talk about the movie now. A lone man and two polar bears swim in the ocean in the Arctic, catching a school of salmon. The man is Victor Fries, who along with his pet polar bears, his comatose wife Nora, and surrogate son Koonak, is living a normal life in the Arctic.

"Fifteen years today, darling. Did you think I would forget? How could I? The day we met was the happiest day of my life. A gift for you. I found it in the snow. Fragile beauty clinging to life in this frozen wasteland. Like you, Nora."

As Fries quietly speaks to Nora's sleeping form on the 15th anniversary of their first meeting, a submarine soon crashes through the ground on which they stand, causing a brief quake. Nora's container is shattered, and in retribution, Fries dons his suit and freezes the entire crew of the submarine. This isn't good...Two weeks later, just after foiling a robbery as Batman, Megan, and Robin stop the two crooks together. Megan stands in front of the car to stop the two men.

"Hey, losers!" she got her gun out. "Surrender the jewels, stop the car, and hands where I can see them!"

"Not Megan again..."

"Then let's run her over."

Before they could, Batman jumps on top of the car to back Megan up. For he uses his cape to block their see-through window to drive crazy and for Megan throws some tick-tack spikes for they hit the tires. It crashes on sight for Batman stops one as Megan uses her yo-yo's to reel one closes at the two couples.

"That's one down." she said.

And Robin ties up the other one who almost escaped, as if!

"And another for me too!" he said.

And for Megan handcuffs them for Batman gives out this warning to the men.

"Listen, scum. We're gonna be watching you."

And for the three leave to let the police handle the rest afterwards for them to see another job well down from the building top.

"Another job well done." Megan tells her boyfriend something. "Bruce, incoming call from Alfred."

"Yes, Alfred." he answers it.

Alfred drives with the things ready for Dick and Bruce to pick them up.

"We're running late, sir. I have everything you and Master Dick need." said the butler.

"We'll be there."

"Very good, sir, on my way."

Guess Alfred drives off to go find them. For Megan drives in her own car to follow as Bruce's bodyguard for them and Dick make it to the party in time.

"Thanks, Alfred. Don't know what we'd do without you." said Dick.

"Frankly sir, neither do I." Alfred said back.

Megan Tsuki, Bruce Wayne, and Dick Grayson attend a friend's party. As Bruce and Dick flirt with Veronica Vreeland 'Megan just plays along to ignore the girls for some of them' and Barbara Gordon respectively, after saving a woman from thugs as Batgirl to make it in time, also for her and Dick to go out together. Even for Gordon to know about it himself.

"Don't you worry, Dick, you're on her list." Gordon said. "For you two and for you, Megan, in love with Batman...It's sometimes hard to find a certain someone in your lifetime, isn't?"

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