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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #63 – Sideshow

In the forest, outside of Gotham a train carrying Killer Croc drives down its tracks. Croc has been declared sane and therefore responsible for his crimes and he is now to be taken to prison. With Megan watching over her bounty to turn in and to serve time, pay for his crimes, and getting her money to read from the newspaper about Killer Croc, to download a copy on to her computer book.

"Today's story about Killer Croc here... 'Fiend to serve time. Ruled sane and guilty of crimes! Killer Croc going to Levitz prison'." she reads it. "(Still, I was hired to stop Killer Croc to reclaim my payment once we get there alive. I must keep an eye on him in case he does anything funny again, but I have someone who has my back. As always...)"

We all know who it was. One of the reporters discuss this and jokingly claim, wishing he breaks out, so they have something to write about. Indeed, Croc breaks free of his chains by biting through them and overpowers the guards. The other people hear the mess to be going on for one to shout out...

"Killer Croc is on the loose again!"

This leaves Megan to get ready to go on in and give Bruce Wayne/Batman the signal to stop Killer Croc as a team.

"(I knew this would happen.) Hey, Bruce, he's at it again. Hurry up and change for us to restrain Killer Croc." Megan said as she gets her gear ready with her gun out. "Time to lock and load!"

Fortunately, one of the guards manages to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart before he climbs to the top of the train. Batman, who had disguised himself as a reporter, gives chase to meet up with Megan to help her out and the three fought.

"Not you two!" Killer Croc said in anger.

"Sorry I'm late, Megan." said Batman.

For Megan to help Batman pull Killer Croc to drag him back to the police won't be so easy to do, he was very heavy like any other crocodiles were.

"It's fine. You're here now, right? Hey, Croc! I would give up now if I were you!"

Like this reptile loser won't give up the fight against his enemies to try fighting back even after being tranquilize.

"Oh, please!" he said to try breaking free. "You two have to do better than that to try to capture me again." Killer Croc pulls himself free to fight back again both Batman and Megan. "Megan. Batman. Do either one of you want a piece of me? Want to beat the champ?"

But for how long can Croc fight after being stunned.

"You can't be serious!" said Megan. "You got shot and will probably go down in any minute!"

"I don't think he'll listen to reason now, Megan, be on your guard." Batman tells his girlfriend.

Still, Croc pulls the dart out of him to go after both Batman and Megan. For the two use their team work to stay close and fight against Croc, they were good to be dance-like fighting. You know? During the fight, Croc falls off the train and pulls Batman down with him.

"Oh, no! Batman!"

That was some fall there, ouch. For Megan to use her jet pack backpack to fly all the way down and off the train, as Batman is knocked out while Croc remains conscious. He tries to crush Batman with a boulder but the sedative dazes him and he misses.

"Crap...! It's taking its effect on me...!" Croc falls off the cliff he's on and runs away.

As for Megan to see this happen and lands down slowly to fall into a pool of mud to get all messy.

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