The Last Laugh

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #3 – The Last Laugh

It's April Fool's Day in Gotham and a barge captained by a robotic clown and carrying green garbage that emits green gas floats over the river. An armored truck driver smells the gas and starts laughing and driving erratically. More people smell the gas and start laughing as well. The victims seem to have lost all sense as the truck driver drives his truck right into the river. Megan was having a look around town on her own to see the strangeness from all of the people to be going on.

"What the...? (Strange type of gas to be spreading all over town and it smells really bad? I better go investigate it.)"

And off she goes...Elsewhere, Bruce cuts himself shaving and Alfred notes that he's tired from his crime fighting. To help him relax Alfred tries playing an April Fool's joke on Bruce but it falls flat.

"Well, you'll be happy to know I've drawn you a bath, whenever you're ready."

With Alfred saying that, Bruce sees the bathtub being empty.

"What's the deal, Alfred?" he asked his butler.

Alfred then shows Bruce a picture of a bath.

"I said I drew you a bath, sir." said Alfred. "April Fools!"

"Very funny, Alfred. I guess I'll just take a shower."

Well, Alfred did try to make Bruce laugh.

"Not a funny bone in his entire body."

While Bruce takes a shower, he hears a report on the radio about people who are having nearly fatal accidents on the bridge due to them acting like complete fools. Bruce deduces right away that it's the work of the Joker and hopes for Megan to be careful in town from the gas if it's this dangerous right now...

"Master Bruce, do you think Ms. Megan will be alright out there?" Alfred asks him.

Bruce didn't look too worried about her, knowing Megan who can handle herself even if the gas gets badly to know what to do, after studying the rest in a bit.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." he answers back. "She'll give me a call if things get really bad. Megan's no ordinary girl to be put in danger, I should know."

"Barely know about this young woman so far..."

For Alfred would say something like that as a joke...Meanwhile, Joker's henchmen dive and steal the contents of the armored truck while Joker fixes himself up to go out towards the financial district. As a reporter on the radio talks about the event to be going on.

"At this hour, Gotham City is in the grip of insanity. Everywhere people are turning into lunatics. The latest reports say that the wave of foolish hysteria is moving down 7th avenue towards...towards..." he started to laugh. "...the financial district." from snickering and laughing-like crazy. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

"That's my cue!" Joker gets out of the ship. "When the going gets tough...the tough goes shopping." said the mad clown.

This leaves Megan to find out of the danger was drawing near the town of Gotham and for her to try warning the people to get out right away, as well as check on the data from the gas with the help to the good computer book.

"(Should have known...This a laughing gas use to calm people down until they tired themselves out. But the amount that someone has made by hand, with an uncontrollable laugh from within them without stopping could cause anyone of a living thing to die from losing so much air. Or worse...A heart attack! I better tell Bruce about this quickly! But first...!)" Megan warns to people in town a bit too late for the gas to spread. "Everyone! Get out of this area! Now! Some type of laughing gas is spreading all over-! (Too late.)"

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