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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #47 – Mudslide

At Tarnower, Financial, a middle-aged guard goes to check the parking lot while his much younger colleague, Billy, keeps watch at the main entrance. The old guard returns a minute later, however, having forgotten to check Mr. Tarnower's office. However, as he goes into the lift, strangely sweating, Billy sees the guard in the parking lot on a security camera, meaning that the guard in the lift must be an impostor. Megan sees this all of this and knew there was trouble happening to check it out while not feeling like herself today. Wonder why...?

"(Okay, I'm seeing double here.)" she calls up Batman on her belt. "Bruce, it's me. I'm seeing two of the same security guards to be in two different places at once. Better come check it out."

Batman gets a security alarm to go off nearby to check it out, as Alfred tells him something back at the Wayne Manor.

"Looks like a slow night, Alfred." said Bruce/Batman. "When I'm finished patrolling this area I'm heading home."

"Excellent timing, Masted Bruce." the butler said. "I've just taken dinner out of the oven."

For Batman to get Megan's call and a silent alarm light flash on the Batmobile's console.

"Looks like trouble at Tarnower Financial, Alfred, with Megan leaving me a message to have something is happening. I won't be home early after all."

So much for Bruce having a cooked goose now.

"Please don't take this the wrong way, sir, but your goose it cooked." Alfred turns to a roast goose fresh out of the oven.

Billy sets off the silent alarm and gives chase and catches the impostor in Tarnower's office, breaking into the safe behind a portrait of Tarnower. However, from the behind the portrait emerges Tarnower himself, berating Billy for leaving the door unguarded, but Billy suddenly remembers that Tarnower is missing his accent and on holiday in Hawaii, prompting Tarnower to extend his arm and knock Billy out.

"You're not Tarnower!"

Using some of the fake person's body made up clay to trapping him, Megan arrives to recognize it from someone to have nightmares from again and what's worse was she was getting sick at the same time for her fear to trigger from within her body.

"Ah!" Megan tries to shoot but couldn't. "(It can't be...!) Clayface?!"

With him smirking at Megan 'to not feel like himself right not', and before he can finish Billy, Batman appears.


Before Batman could check on Megan who was afraid to do anything to move and was breathing heavily and sweating at the same time, the impostor takes on Billy's appearance and tells Batman he caught a thief.

"Batman! Thank goodness you and Megan are here." he said. "I caught the thief."

But Batman examines Billy's body and finds a strange, clay-like residue on Billy's body. Realizing who the impostor is, Batman turns around, but is knocked down by a mace made of clay. And for Megan warns her partner a little too late.

"Batman!" she screams out his name.

That had to hurt! And for Megan tries fighting back to feel weak like she was having a heart attack due to her powers that could weaken her entire body. Indeed, Megan was right, the impostor is Clayface, having finally resurfaced.

"Long time no see, Megan." Clayface said laughing. "It would seem you're too speechless to miss me a lot. But not as much as you'll miss your Batman here-!"

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