Two-Face Parts 1 and 2

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #9 - Two-Face

For the record, yes. I wanted to put all the two-part episodes into one here. Just so you all wanted to know. J Harvey Dent has a nightmare in which he is confronted by a mysterious doppelganger, flipping a coin repeatedly.

"Harvey...Harvey Dent..."

"No! Keep away!" Harvey continues to run away. "Leave me alone!"

For this Big Bad Harv just laughs.

"Heh heh heh! Where are you going, Harvey? You can't get away from me!" he then appears in front of Harvey. "See what I mean?"

"Stay away! I want no part of you!" Harv begins to flip a coin in front of Harvey. "No! Stop it! Stop it, I said!"

Harv kept on doing it again and again.

"It's time, Harvey...It's time!"

Just before Dent wakes up, the figure assures him: 'It's time,'s time!'. Dent awakens in his office, aroused by his secretary Carlos from the D.A.'s office, and heads out to meet with Commissioner Gordon for a raid on a derelict building being held by Rupert Thorne's gang, heavily defended with stolen weapons and supplies from Gotham's Army depots.

"Hey, Jim! How's it going?" Harvey asks Gordon.

Bullets ricochet off of the police car.

"Couldn't be better!" he answers back.

Lots of bad guys to stop for any cop or swat team have to do something about this mess.

"No one can stop us once we use this baby on them." said a thug name Franky. "Help me set up the rocket launcher."

One tries to with one getting a sneak attack, and the other on stopping to see that Batman has arrived to stop this whole mess.


And one having her gun pointed it near Franky's head.

"I wouldn't fire off that thing if I were you..." said Megan. "Shall we dance with them, Batman?"

"I don't see why not." the Dark Knight smiled.

Seems like Gordon didn't have to send in a swat team after all, since both Batman and Megan were beating the bad guys up from the inside of the building for, they hear it, lots of it. Some went flying through the window unharmed, a few fled out to surrender, and the rocket launcher fires into the air to blow up to also be saving many lives.

"Hold your fire!" said Gordon.

With Batman's help, the gang is captured. And Megan bringing some of them out by force, she kicks the powerful rocket launcher weapon in the air with her bare foot, wow!

"We give up!" said one of the thugs. "Don't hurt us!"

"Maybe next time you shouldn't try aiming at the cops, you should learn how to work on your shooting skills." she said to them. "(See you in a bit, Bruce.)" Megan turns her attentions towards Gordon. "They're all yours!"

Nice way for them to take out the bad guys for Gordon and his men to arrest Rupert's gang on site. In front of news reporters, Dent publicly congratulates the police and thanks Gordon with some help from Megan too. To them, Batman should be thanked the most.

"As a district attorney, I would like to think Commissioner Gordon, his men, and Megan Tsuki, the bounty hunter on their finest work today." Dent said live on TV.

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