It's Never Too Late

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Batman: The Animated Series 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #10 - It's Never Too Late

In his estate, Arnold Stromwell, Gotham's reigning but aging crime boss, is watching the news. The lead item is the worsening conflict between himself and upcoming boss Rupert Thorne. That much he knows, but he has other concerns regarding his son Joey, who has been missing for days. He and his son were estranged, but Stromwell is convinced that Thorne is behind this and orders his men to set up a meeting with him. As Megan was listening in from outside of Arnold's home from her car quietly to report back to Bruce next.

"Yeah, Bruce? It's me. We got a problem between Arnold and Rupert's rivalry..."

Batman, disguised as a hobo, is eavesdropping on Thorne, who plots to assassinate Stromwell after receiving his message. As Megan was there to eat and drink to act like she was minding her own business; but she was aiding Batman to eavesdrop to find out on what Rupert was up for her partner, with a recorder set up being a small pin on her jacket in disguised. Clever. For the man in charge of the place kicks the hobo 'being Bruce Wayne as Batman' to leave the place.

"Boss?" one of Rupert's men asks about Megan.

"Not her, not just yet." he said. "Invite her to sit with me. Megan Tsuki won't pose a threat to me...I love a good challenge."

The clerk tells the hobo to leave.

"Come on, buddy, you're out of here. Let's go."

The man sees the hobo out of the place.

"Huh?" he acted confuse and leaves.

Now with the restaurant locked up but with Megan and the man in charge who was still inside, Rupert's man calls out to Megan as she acts like she was about to leave next.

"Oh, Megan. Come. Come. Sit next to your handsome Rupert Throne." he calls out to her.

Looks like his men makes sure that Megan does so and to hold on to her gear and gun.

"You heard the boss, have a seat." he said.

"Okay." she goes along with it. "(Bruce, you know what to do on your end now, just hurry back here so we can aid Arnold together...I can't believe I have to hang out with the likes of this weirdo!)"

Hang in there, Megan! You can do it! In a way, Rupert will 'at times' hit on her.

"So, Arnold wants to have a meeting with us tonight." Rupert explained. "We'll put a sign on the door to say, 'private party' only for us gentlemen."

The other members laugh for Megan already knew what that met.

"Yeah, a go away party..."

"Is what you boys do?" Megan asks them. "Planning beforehand to kill off another mob member? Real mature."

Rupert puts his arm around Megan to feel gross out.

"Now, now, Megan, I want you to join us until he arrives. You're a bounty hunter to catch the bad guys like him. I'm much different than Arnold Stromwell is. Believe me. Is that so wrong?"

Megan moves away a little from him sitting next to her.

"(In murdering someone it is!) Well, that's the life of a mafia? Maybe? You got me, Rupert."

"And if Batman does appear, if he does...He'll get the message the other way around...Lucky for you, Megan, I'm a gentleman to be gentle to a pretty woman like yourself. So, relax and enjoy the food here."

She tries to for Rupert wasn't Megan's type at all.

"Sure..." she tries putting on a strong face with the recorder still going on for Batman to still be listening in. "(You owe me big time after today, Bruce!)"

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