How All Time Low Fell For Two College Kids

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A/N: So, me and my love friend are writing this story together, enjoy(:

Chapter One

Aubrey P.O.V.

"Stacy!" I yelled, running into our small apartment, "Guess what?"

"Hey, Aub, and what?" She said coming out of our room, which I could here the song Stella coming from our CD player.

"Okay, so I have the most amazing news of all time... low!" I bounced hyperily over to her, she placed her hands on my shoulders, trying to keep me on the ground, I suppose.

"Spit it out already!"

"So, guess who scored backstage passes to our favorite band?" I held out the 2 tickets, grinning ear to ear.

"No way!" She squealed, I shook my head intently. "Oh my goodness, we're going to see All Time Low,  I love you!" She began jumping up and down with me. "When is the concert?"

"October 7, starts at 6 o'clock, we need to be there at 2 o'clock."

"That's only 2 weeks away! I have to get a new outfit, I can't go and see them in my old, boring All Time Low clothes!" Typical Stacy, needing new clothes when she just bought some a few weeks ago. "And so do you, Aubrey."

I glared at her, "Thanks." I said sarcastically, knowing she didn't mean I had bad clothes, I just like to make her fret.

"Not like that." She said, hugging me.

"I'm kidding, I know I need new clothes! So do what you do best, plan a small shopping trip." I told her, she smiled widely.

"Thanks for everything, like the All Time Low tickets." She said, walking to our room. "How 'bout we just order our clothes off the internet, I have a essay due soon and I don't have time for a shopping trip."

"Donneven mention it!" I said, "And okay, I'm ordering mine right now off of Glamour Kills, oh and buying us the delux Dirty Work CD."

"Okay, I'm shopping Hot Topic, you want anything from there?" She took out her laptop, as I reached over and grabbed mine from the coffee table beside our couch.

"Nah, I'm good, you want anything from Glamour Kills?"

"No thanks." We both set off on our online shopping spree. I put on Under A Paper Moon and we both sang our hearts out to it.

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