Chapter 27: Crying All The Way To The Hospital

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"Oh my God, she might die!" Jack cried, literally, seeing him cry made me cry to.

"C'mon Jack, everybody we got to go now, me and Jack do at least, Jack, to my car." I grabbed his hand and we ran out to my car and jumped in.

"I'm coming to!" Alex yelled, and jumped into the backseat, "Well, go on!" He said, leaned up and mashed the horn. as I drove, I had to concentrate as hard as I could because of him honking the entire 15 block ride to the hospital. We pulled in behind the ambulance. "Go, I'll park the car and be in in a second."

Me and Jack hopped out and ran behind the stretcher with our Stacy on it, here eyes were closed and her mouth was moving slowly, as if she was singing. I grabbed Jack's hand and held it tight. "I'm scared." I told Jack, me and him didn't talk much, but I know he's the only one that knows what I feel like right now.

"Me too." Jack said, squeezing my hand to reassure me she'd be okay.

"I know, she's strong, she really is."

"I can't lose her, she's became the best thing I have ever had, I love her so much."

"Me neither, she's my best friend, I just got her back, I can't lose her."

"JACK BARAKAT!" A fangirl screamed, of course can't go to the hospital with out being a show.

"Not NOW." He yelled, "I'm sorry its just my girlfriend..."

"Its fine, just go." She said, finally, not a pyshco.

"You've got to stay here, you can't come back, we'll be out to you soon as possible." The doctor who was by Stacy's side, her eyes opened for a second and she looked at me then at Jack, I love you, she mouthed.

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