jgv andkfm aodkfj odfj oaisirjiv gjs<- CHAPTER 60!

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The Third Person's P.O.V

Stacy woke up at 3:30 just because she had to take medication. If it was her way,she would've slept the rest of the day away. But she still looked sad. So,Alex,Jack,Rian and Matt tried to cheer her Aubrey and Zack up.

" You do know what the doctor said right?" Aubrey asked.

" Oh come on. Going to the concert won't be that bad!" Alex said pullin Zack,Aubrey, and Stacy out of the bus backstage.

" For the first time in my life,I'm gonna say I don't want to be at and ATL concert"Aubrey and Stacy said together.

" Aw! Come on!!" Alex wined.

" You try having the flu and being pulled out of your bed!" Stacy said,

" Hey! Thats my bed!" Jack said jokingly

" Right," Stacy said laughing.

" And the first time in my life, I'm gonna say I don't want to be here. I still feel crappy!" Zack complained

" Your cranky when your sick."Rian complained

" You know when you had chicken poxs and wanted to stay in your room?" Zack asked.

" Ya. So?" He said confused

"Thats how we feel!" Zack,Aubrey,and Stacy together.

" Besides, Aubrey and I are supposed to be in bed for another 4 days." Stacy said.

"I guess your right" Alex said giving up.

"Thankyou!" We all said relieved.

I know that it is short but writers block sucks.

How All Time Low Fell For Two College KidsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora