Chapter 22: Comfort and laughs

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"She wasn't even close with her step-mom, I understand that she cried, I would've too, its just I don't see why she's so messed up by it, never mind. Her step-mom was decapitated, that would mess a person up."

"I've got an idea to make her smile..." Alex said with a mischevious smirk on his face, I loked at him.

"Oh, God, what is it?"

"Can't tell, I'm going to talk to the guys, you'll see soon!" He ran out of the room, this isn't good.

"Nothing where I'll have to rush you to the hospital, 'cause I'm not in a hospital mood."

"I can't promise that, babe." Alex said, his footsteps pounding down the stairs.

Alex P.O.V.

"Okay, guys, I have a idea to make Stacy laugh..." I said, looking at everyone, we were gathered into the band room in the basement.

"Yeah, go on." Jack said, I figured he was willing to do anything to make Stacy smile again, Zack and Rian looked pretty willing too.

"It might be a little insane sounding, but we're jumping into the pool... naked."

"Dude, are you fucking insane, its December! Its 20 degrees outside!" Rian yelled, thank God for the sound proof walls or the girls would probably have a idea of what's going on.

"I like it, it screams All Time Low Jackass movie!" Zack said, I actually liked the sound of making a Jackass movie, with just us guys.

"Well, Rian you should film us if you think its insane, it'll make a great story for the grandkids."

"Dude, your thinking grandkids already, you're whipped!" Zack threw his arms up in the air, "You were a total casual fuck dude, now you're talking grandkids."

"Dude, it isn't whipped it loving someone more than yourself, isn't that right Rian, Alex?" Jack said, Zack never really had a mature relationship.

"You're whipped too!" Zack yelled, we all rolled our eyes.

"You'll understand one day." Rian said, shaking his head at Zack's relationship ignorance.

"So, who's jumping in the pool?" Jack asked, "I am."

"So am I." Zack said, laughing at something I don't know what it was, well actually I had a pretty good idea.

"Me too, considering I came up with the idea." I smiled and clapped my hands together, "Let's go get the girls outside."

Stacy P.O.V.

I had the guys running up the stairs, I stood up and walked to open the door to see what all the comotion was about. "What up guys?"

"Come outside, we've got something to show you! Go and get Aubrey." Jack said, as they starting running to Alex's room. I grabbed my jacket from the closet and went to Aubrey's room.

"Yo, Aubrey get your jacket and come to the backyard, the guys need us outside now, for some reason." I yelled, and walked down to the backyard, its freezing, why do they need us outside?

"What do they want from us?" Aubrey asked, walking up from behind me.

"I don't even want to know."

At that time we heard screaming coming from us, and approaching us quickly, i turned in time to see Jack, Alex and Zack runnning naked, toward us, oh my gosh, NAKED All Time Low! The ran, still screaming, and jumped into the pool, our not heated pool.

"Holy SHIT!" Zack yelled, Rian was standing beside me filming.

"Oh this is cold!" Alex yelled, I began laughing, so did Aubrey.

"Okay, we've laughed, get out before you get hypethermia." Aubrey said, obviously not that pleased anymore.

"No, its fun!" Zack yelled, splashing us.

"Alex Gaskarth, Jack Barakat, and Zack Merrick, get your asses out of the freezing pool, now, you're going yo get sick and die!" Aubrey yelled.

"Get out, now Jack." I said, giving him the you better do it now look.

"Okay, okay." Alex and Jack said together.

"Hey, make me a DVD of that, and Aubrey one too." I said to Rian, with a huge smile on my face.

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