Chapter 34: When I get home, your so dead.

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Stacy's POV

When Alex got out the hospital I was gonna hit him...hard.

"I'm gonna go get coffie." She sighed. I nodded ok. And she left. I really need to do something. Like something that envolved a knife,followed by my wrist,and ending with blood. I heard someone knock on the door. I looked up from looking at my wrist. It was Matt.

" Hey." He said.

" Sup' Flyzik."  I said.

"Nothing much just bailed the guys out of jail, your boyfriend can behave himself. Whatcha doing?" Matt said, sighing and sitting down beside me, looking me over.

"Ah, you know the usually about to go play tennis and yell at Alex." I said, yelling at Alex is what I do best, and oh, I'm about to get better at it. About that time Zack, Alex, Rian walked in, "Walk of shame boys? I'll have you know I am disappointed, mostly with just Alex." Jack walked in.

"Hey baby." He said, walking over and kissing my forehead.

"Hey love."

"What did I do?" Alex yelled, like a little kid who had had way to much sugar and broke a lamp.

"Oh, Alexander William Gaskarth, you know, you... di-" I started to yell but Jack put his hand over my mouth. "Can everyone please leave, I would love a word alone with Alex?'

"Sure." The guys said, Alex gulped.

"Hey, Sandy." He said, trying to make things better.

"Oh, hush, Alex. So, you taking Aub on tour?" I asked, looking at him with narrow eyes.

"Well," He said, rubbing the back of his neck, "Er, I haven't really thought about it, Lisa never really went on tour with me."

"Dude, have you even told Aub, and don't mention Lisa, is Aubrey Lisa to you?" I said, his words made me highly angry with him.

"No, she's not, Aubrey is my world, but I don't like taking girls on tour."

"Well, she's your girlfriend who wants to go with you, I'm going. You should really take her into consideration every once in a while."

"I did, that's why I am not asking her." He said in his stubborn voice.

"NO, YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU ARE TAKING HER OR I WILL CUT IT OFF, AND IF YOU HAVEN'T ASKED BY THE TIME WHEN I GET HOME, YOU'RE SO DEAD." I yelled, throwing a box of tissues at him, they hit him in the side of his head.

"Ow, but I'm not asking, she'll hate it, tour." He said, same look on his face.

"Alex, you wait for when I can get out of this bed, I will slit your throat, if you don't."

"Well, I guess you have to, then." He said, and walked off.

"Oh trust me loser!" I screamed, as he slammed the door.

Aubrey P.O.V

I was sitting at Starbucks, my laptop out in front of me, I glanced around, paparazzi has began to swarm to me and Stacy lately, considering our boyfriends. I typed in All Time Low tour 2012, it popped up immediatly on Google, the beginning date was the 12th of January and ending date was the 9th July, great. "Hi, are you Alex Gaskarth's girlfriend, Aubrey?" A little girl about the age of 13 asked.

"Yeah, I am." I smiled and she looked at me. I find it funny people

"Um, could you sign my Dirty Work CD, I love them, and you and Stacy of course."

"Yeah, sure, and yeah we love them too, even Rian and Zack." She handed me her Dirty Work CD and a sharpie. "What do you want me to sign?" I asked, she thought for a minute.

"The girl that keeps Alex in line, Aubrey Cole." I smiled, oh yes, I keep him in line, ha. "And did they really get arrested a little while ago?"

"Actually we all almost did, but Stacy's in the hospital so I used that for an excuse to get out of having to be locked in the slammer."

"Did the guys?"

"Alex, Rian, and Zack did, Matt and Jack bailed them out, I think." I said, quickly signing the CD and returning it to her.

"Oh my goodness, well I hope they got out, their tours starts in a few weeks, you going?"

"Um, no, Alex didn't aske me too."

"That's mean and is Stacy?"

"Yeah, i don't know if she could survive without Jack." I joked, hoping to ease the pain that was growing in my heart.

"Can you survive without Alex?" She asked, I realised that I'm not sure I could survive without him.

"No..." I said, frowning and taking a sip of my frappe.

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