Mixed drinks, mixed feelings

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Jack P.O.V.

I heard Stacy's voice, I sucked in as much air as I could, willing myslef not to cry. "I miss you!" Stacy's voice sung out. I started crying as I walked near where the guys were.

"I miss you more, baby, I'm sorry." I cried, no... sobbed loudly.

"I sure as fuck don't miss you and sorry, ha, because that cuts it." She sharply said, blunt and cruel.

"No, I really do regret it, I mean I had everything, Stacy, you were everything." Alex stood up.

"Man, shut the fuck up, she doesn't need this, and we don't need you." Alex said, nothing has ever cut me this deep in my life, never.

"Alex is right, we don't." Stacy said, the guys nodded in agreement.

"Fine, Alex I loved you, bro."

"You seem to fuck over everyone you love, though, so take me off your list." Alex said, even Matt said amen.

"Well, then I guess I'll just stay out og the way." I nodded and went to lay in my bunk, fuck man! I don't even have a best friend anymore.

I laid there for God only knows how long, crying, yes I cry. "Jack, show in 30 minutes, get your ass out here now." Matt yelled, everyone's pissed at me it had been weeks since it happened, still nobody seemed to still be as mad at me as they were at first.

"Why do you hate me?" I yelled.

"Because you cheated on Stacy, made her cry and made Aubrey leave." He screamed throwing a box at me.


"Man, noone cares!" Matt yelled and walked away, man PMS much.

I missed Stacy, the way she would lay beside me and could into my side while she slept, the way she smiled when she first woke up and told me that she loved me, I missed everything about her, and I knew I was never gonna have it again.

How All Time Low Fell For Two College KidsWhere stories live. Discover now