Chapter 36: Sunrise on the Eastside

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Aubrey P.O.V.

I sipped on my coffee slowly, leaning farther into my seat and slidding down, hoping no other fangirl came up to me for a autograph. "Um, I want 2 chocolate chip cookies and a white choclate mocha, large." A fimilar voice said, Alex. I turned around to see him standing awkwardly at the counter keeping his head bent and pulling his beige beanie up on his head.

"They've already asked for my autograph, they'll figure it out." I nodded, at the girl by the window on the opposite side of starbucks, "Oh hey, best boyfriend ever! I love you Alex Gaskarth!" I yelled, running up to him and kissing his nose affectionately.

The girl at the window looked up and smiled brightly, and ran over to us, "Hi Aubrey, ALEX!" She tried to say coolly, but she yelled Alex. He hopped back a little.

"Hey." He said, trying to smile as if he weren't creeped out.

"Would you sign this? Aubrey did." The girl pleaded, hyperly bouncing up and down, with a puppy dog face.

"Yes, of course, and God girl you remind me of Aubrey with the bouncing and the puppy dog face, you are gonna have to stop that, you'll make a man jump off bridges for you with that face, it is unfair really." He glanced at me and gave me his best heartbreaking smile, I was instantly not pissed anymore.

"And don't get a guy that smiles like this idiot because you can't stay mad at him."

"Aww, she doesn't hate me anymore." He kissed my nose and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I hate you, I really do this is all an act, I swear." I laughed, why don't you join us?" I said to the girl

" I wouldn't want to-" She said trying to tell us she didn't want to bother. She had a s light accent. British? Maybe? Hm. I didn't know.

" Don't worry. Your not." Alex said resting his head on mine.She thought about it for a second.

"If your sure." She said smiling.

"We're positive." We both said smiling.

"Cool." She smiled. We sat down in a table in the corner. She had run away. From her parents. They ignored her so she wanted to get away.

"How old are you?"Alex asked when she finsihed explaining what happened. She looked down the whole time.

"19." She was lieing.

" You are not 19." Alex said making her look up.

" Look, you can not tell anyone. My name is Mary Jance. Im from England and i'm 17. Bu I'll be 18 in a few moths. No one knows not,even my brother." She looked around the place putting her hat down further. SHe had a full Britsh accent.

"I'm being followed. They didn't know I left." She said looking down again.

"So you came to America?" Alex asked. I looked at him and slapped him in the arm

"No shit sherlock."She said. I couldn't stop laughing. Alex was trying to hold it in. But he couldn't. A few guys with black coats and black sunglasses on. She looked up when she heard her name.

"Mary Jance?"They asked when the saw her. She looked up.

" Sorry." She got up and ran out the back door. She forgot her bag.

"Wait!" I yelled. To late. She was gone.

"How do you know her?" Two big guys asked us. We jumped a little.

"We just met her. She wanted an autograph. So we offered her to sit with us." Alex and I answered camly.

" She's 18." They said.

" No,she's 19." Alex lying smoothly. Boy,was he a pro at this.

"And her name is Riana." Alex said still lying.

"You sure?" They asked.

"We we're talking to her weren't we?"I asked butting in.

"Then whyd she run?" They asked.

"Because she forget to go meet up with....Zack."Alex said lying again. Great.

"Thankyou." They said and left.

"Riana? Really?"I asked him hitting him int he back of the head on the way out with her bag. He laughed. We walked about 3 blocks 'till we saw her in a corner trying to hide.

"Come out." I said. She jumped.

" Whose your favorite in All Time Low?" Alex asked. Knowing it was him.

" Easy.Zack" She said smiling. Wait. What?! I thought.

" Wanna meet him?" Alex asked.

"He got arrested.didn't he?"She asked. Holy shit,how did she know? Alex looked dumbfounded.

" I was the car in back of you." SHe said muttering.

"Ya well our manager got him out." He said pulling on her arm.

"Lets go." He said wondering why didn't move

"I don't like being man handled." She said glaring at him and walked out of the dark alleyway.

" Girls got an attitude" He muttered. I knew she heard him. She laughed.

"Is he ok?" She asked when we got tot he hospital.

" He''s fine. Our friend,Stacy, nearly-" He said and I elbowed him in the gut.

"Stacy,is sick." He said coughing. She looked down. She knew something.

" Oh." She said when we got off the elvator. I handed her,her band. She said thankyou and walked into Stacy's room. She was talking to Matt. Zack was in the chair beside her bed.

" Stacy?" She whispered.

" Mary?" She said back looking at her. Holy crap did they know each other?

" What did you do to yourself?" She asked Stacy.

"You know..." SHe whispered.

"Whose this?" Zack asked me,

"This is Mary." I said smiling.

"Hi." She said putting her hand out to shake it.

" H-Hi." He said lowly shaking her hand locked into her eyes.

" Someones got a crush." Matt, Stacy,and Rian all coughed.

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