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Stacy's P.O.V

We just stood there. Did I have feelings for Matt? Ok snap out of this daze.Right now. I pulled back. It looked like his shirt had been rained on.

" I'm gonna go to bed." I sighed and started to walk away. He grabbed my waist with his hands and pulled me loser.

" What are you doing,Matt?" I whispered, he shused me and our lips met. We were interuptted by hearing Alex throwing Jack's shoes down the stairs. We quickly sepearted.

" Woah" We both said still like an inch again.

" Who wants to help me throw Jack's stuff down the stairs!" Alex called laughing.

" I'm gonna go for a walk." I whispered

" Do you want me to come?"  He whispered back. I shook my head no.

" I understand" He asnwered. I nodded thankyou and hugged him again. I pulled away and walked upstairs. I put on a sweatshirt and jeans.

" Hey,where are you going?" Alex asked throwing Jack's suitcases down the stairs.

"For a walk" I answered grabbing Jack's lamp and throwing in down the stairs nd walking dwon the stairs and decided to just walk around not thinking.... After a few minutes I felt people tapping my shoulder. I turned around. It was som brunette and some crazy punk rocker chick.

" You mess with our  Jess?" The punk on said in a russian tone.

" I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood for talking to anyone" I said and turned around.

"No you talk to us when we talk to you." The brunette said swinging at me when I ducked. Ok,well this wasn't weird or anything.

" Did Jess put you up to this?" I asked crossing my arms.

" No you caused this." They said pushing me. Whatever. Just walk away I kept thinking to myself. Until the start chsing you is when you start running. I pulled out my cellphone when I got around a corner to call someone.

How All Time Low Fell For Two College KidsWhere stories live. Discover now