Date night

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"Let's go to the carnival!" Alex said, smiling widely as we saw a huge Ferris wheel and the little coasters they bring in special for it.

"Yes!" I smiled, we both ran toward the entrance.

"I loved carnivals when I was younger, they were the best things ever. I loved the smell of everything, cotton candy, hot dogs, popcorn... ya know, the normal stuff childhood consist of." He took a deep breath in, and smiled an infectious smile.

"I've truthfully never been to a carnival." I continued walking, but Alex completely froze and stared wide eyed at me.

"Aubrey Marie Cole soon-to-be Gaskarth, what in this world?" He had this horror-strucken face, like he was about to cry, "Why are you so deprived? Our kids will bathe in the glory that is the carnival." He said, pulling me quickly over to the entrance.

"I just never had the time, to busy being a piano prodigy to do anything other than eat, sleep, and play." I laughed as he purchased tickets, he was literally bouncing up and down.

"Let's go!" He pulled on my arm, "Ferris wheel first!" We ran over and stood in line with about 20 other people. We did the mushy couple thing where the girl leans on the guys chest and looks up into his eyes and he'd kiss my forehead and whisper sweet nothings to me.

"Oh my GAWD!" Someone squealed, we both turned around, "Its Alex Gaskarth, the man who should be my husband!" The girl was an overly excited brunette, with the biggest boobs ever and a fake tan. she ran over and draped herself all over Alex.

"Would you get off? I mean really?" He said, pushing her off of him.

"Why, Alex, we could have pretty babies! I'm so much pretty than this firecrotch that you're engaged to, and you know it."

"i'm telling you to get away from me, Aubrey is the only one I want, so leave me alone." We got in our little thing, I was scared shitless considering heights scare me. "I love you, know let's ride a Ferris wheel right." He leaned in and cupped my face in his hands and kissed me , sweet and tender, absolutely perfection.

We got off and ran to the haunted hayride, we were the only ones there. "Brave young, not yet tortured souls, be prepared for the mind boggling fate they lies infront of you." The man was dressed up as a zombie looking thing. I shivered, and Alex picked me up and sat me in the hay, he jumped up and the tractor slowly started chugging along.

Within 2 minutes clowns were swarming around, Alex was laughing as I was shaking in his arms, then they brought the chainsaws out. "AHHHH!" I screamed, Alex was holding onto me he was screaming to.

"Stop, right now!" Someone jumped out of the woods, not in a costume it was a cop, "A girls been murdered." I looked up at Alex with tears in my eyes.

"Alex!" I cried, "Take me home!" He stood up and jumped out, and motioned me to jump out, I did. "Can you carry me?" He nodded, so I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso and sobbed. I don't know why it bothered me so much, but I couldn't stop crying. WE got to the car and he laid me in the passenger seat.

"Don't cry, I know its awful, but please?" He asked, leaning over from the drivers seat and kissedmy forehead and drove away, back to our house.

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