Chapter 17:The early leave.

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I couldn't take it anymore. I ran upstairs to my room. I felt like an idiot. I laid on my bed

"Can I come in?" Somebody said. I couldn't tell

"Depends.Who is it?" I asked. I didn't want her in my room or be next to me.

"Its Jack. Can I come in?"He asked again.

"Ya." I said and sat on the end of my bed. He opened the door and then closed it

"Is she all ways like that to you?"

"Yep, always." I sighed, frowning at the meer thought of my step-mom.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, if I would've known we'd be at my parents house instead your's."

"How about Christmas there?" Jack asked, my face istantly lightup.


There was another knock on the door.

"Stacy,it's mom"The witch said.

"Your not my mom." I muttered

" Want me to get rid of her?"Jack asked.

"That would be...great" I sighed. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled also. He got up and walked over to the door and opened it and left. I called the airport and told them we would be leaving at 6:00. I paid for the tickets. After grabbing everything I brought with me my phone,my ipod,my wallet my dad drove us to the airport.

"Hey Jack,can I talkto for a sec?" My dad asked him. I went over to the front desk and got our tickects.

Jack's POV

What did he want?

" Her brother..killed himself 3 years ago and tommarow is the date" Her father said. Oh so this what Alex was talking about..

" Don't mention all. She get very quiet and doesn't talk to anyone. Don't push her." He was making this very clear.

"I understand." I said.

" It was nice meeting you." He said.

" Same to you." I said and walked over to her.

Elana's POV

I didn't want tommarow to come. I didn't want to have to answer questions of why I was so sad. I called Aubrey and she told me that she was coming home tommarow. When we got on the plane Jack was trying to cheer me up.

"Jack.Stop. I'm fine. I'm not dissapointed." I said. Even though I was dissopointed that this was how he met my family. I must've feel asleep because Jack woke me up at 8 in the morning when we landed.

It was the 28th. The death day.

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