Home sweet... Bus

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"I feel like I'm bringing my first born child home from the hospital!" Alex squealed, he was happier than I was about coming home... well, bus. "First child, I love you!"

"Love you too, but I pray I'm not your first child, heck I pray you don't have a first chiled, you don't do you?" I looked at Stacy waiting for her to laugh and back me up, but she was in a deep sleep in Jack's arms, her arms daintly draped around his neck, she looked so sad, tired and a little depressed.

"Ifeel so bad for her, and no, it'll be your first to... I'm assuming." He smirked, i giggled my tired giggle.

"Ha, sure." I smiled, and walked toward the door as fast as I could, which wasn't really fast, I hurt all over my body.

"Here." He scooped my up and walked to the best. "Matt, open up the door!" Matt opened the door and then Alex swiftly moved up the stairs, God he's graceful, I smiled.

Writer's block is taking me over sorry... ):

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