I don't care if you daughter has chicken poxs. We need plates!

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Stacy's P.O.V

I woke up about 3 hours later just to find Alex nudging me.

"Wakey Wakey!!" he said laughing. I quickly woke up and covered his mouth. I looked over to my notepad. Oh shit! I needed to call the warehouse!

" Shut up! We fell asleep and she is MAD stressing right now! She even organizes in her sleep!" I whispered yelled at him. But she woke up.

"Hey.What time is it?" She asked groggily. We sighed.

"5." Alex answered. 5?!?!?!?! The warehouse closed in 15 minutes!

" why didn't you wake me up atleast an hour early!" I shriked making him jump back.  Great I was having a panik attack over plates and still needed to call about napkins.

" Matt tried. But he said that you wouldn't wake up. Relax. It'll all work out in the end." Alex said trying to calm me. I sighed. He was overly protective these days. I walked past him and ran down stairs.

"Hey-" Aubrey's mom started.

"Sorry! Plates,napkins,beads. I will talk to you after!" I said in a apolgentic tone. I grabbed the phone and called for the plates.

"Hello?" The person asked

"Hi,I'm calling for Aubrey Cole. We need 2 more batches of plates! You forgot 2 batches! How do you forget two batches?!" I yelled into the phone. if you wanted things done,you had to yell at the person.

"I'm sorry. We will have them over in 50 minutes." The man said and hung up. I dialed the napkin place. They told me that they were re- stocking and have them by tommarow. I said thanks and hung up. I finally called the beading place.

"Hello?" The person asked.

"Hi. I'm calling for Aubrey Cole's wedding. We need more beads and we need them soon." I said fast.

"Look,I'm sorry. But we don't have-" The person sighed.

" LOOK. WE NEED BEADS AND WE NEED THEM NOW! SO EITHER GET A GUY TO SEND IT TO US NOW OR I WILL DRIVE TO YOUR WAREHOUSE AND TAKE THEM MYSELF." I yelled in the phone. I was done with people telling me,they needed more time,or more time in advance to have this prepared. I was breathing in and out to relax. Something Matt taugt me when I found out that tey spelt "Alex and 'Rey!" instead of "Alex and Aubrey!" I nearly lost it. I pretty much screamed into the phone last ngith getting  free replacement. That was the most stressed I had ever been. Yes,Aubrey and I had run up the phone bill in the last 2 weeks. Possible?Yes. Imangable? Over imangable.

"O-ok. We will have them in 30 minutes." The guy said scared shitless. I sighed and hung up. Rian came in the room. I leaned against the counter with my eyes shut.

" Stressing?" He asked me. I chuckled.

" You don't know how much." I answered and opened my eyes. Matt was handing my an advil. Rian was getting the mail.

" Thanks." I said and took it. He pulled me into a hug.

" Don't worry. It'll all work out." He whispered in my ear.I nodded and pulled back when Rian came in the room. Zack was following with two sets of plates and put them with the rest.

"Thanks." I answered and Zack nodded and walked back in the room where Aubrey and Alex and their familes were. I took the mail. I looked threw it. Bill,Bill,Bill,Bill,Bill all signed to me. I opened the first one. $543 for fake roses. I wrote that down. $233 for vases. I wrote that down aswell. I've gone threw 5 notebooks. After writing down the rest, I finally walked back into the living room with Matt.

"Stacy! What happened to your cheek?" Alex's mom asked me. Oh right we didn't tell anyone.

" Oh right, I was just walking in heels and fell." I said lieing.  Matt rubbed my back. Alex nodded and Aubrey lipped "sorry" to me. I nodded its ok and sat down. Catching up with everyone was nice.

"Wasn't someone else supposed to be getting married to?" Aubrey's mom asked me smiling. We didn't explain that either. I sighed.

" We got in a fight. We broke the engangement off. " I answered looking down.

"Aw,I'm sorry." Her mom answered.

"It's fine.I really don't mind anymore." I answered looking at her fake smiling. She smiled back and the rest of the day draggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggged on. When everyone went to bed,I went back downstairs and got out my checkbook. I pulled out my notebook and stated writing down all the amounts needed. I was gonna be broke at the end of this. I sighed and looked at the clock when I was done. 4:00. 4 hours it took me. I heard a knock on the wall. I looked over just to see a tired,dazed,did I mention tired,looking Rian and Zack. They stumbled over to me and sat down.

"What are you STILL doing up?"Zack asked whispering. Panicking,stressing,and glad Aubrey was getting married. What about you? Is what I thought to myself.

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