Pre-Wedding Chaos

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"Alex, go pick our families up at the airport, take the band's old van." I said, as I walked on around, Stacy on my heels as we picked up and did little things that could easily be over looked, but we wouldn't allow them to be.

"Sure, don't go too crazy, baby. Matt, come with me." Alex said, pecking me on the lips and hugging Stacy, they've became really close since we found out about her being anorexic, he became the over bearingly protective big brother, it annoyed Stacy to no end.

"Ha, Aub go too crazy? That's slightly impossible." Stacy said, I stuck my tongue out at her. Stacy had gained weight, about 10 pounds in the past 2 weeks, which is great, we make sure she eats right, and Matt is a big reason why she listens. "Put that thing back in your mouth before I chop it off." We all laughed.

"Goobers. Bye love you, Aub." He kissed me again and hugged me. I waved and blew him a kiss, he winked. Matt did the same to Stacy, I'm glad she has someone. While I could walk around with no problem in High-heels since I was practicing in boots I had,Stacy was trying to stand up with them on. I told her she could wear flats,but she kept telling me it was my big day and was going to walk in them evenifitkilled her. I told her not to joke about that and she laughed. While she was vacuming,again,for the fifth time today and made EVERYONE wear just socks.

"Ok! I officaly hate heels,and never are going to wear them again." She said after taking them off and putting them upstairs.

"What if you get married?" I called laughing. She laughed and kept back down.

"If I get married,then I will be wearing flats." She said smiling. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a goober.

" Alex is getting on my nerve. He is making me eat a box of these each day. And they start tasting REALLY fucking bad after the 3rd box" She said sitting on the couch. I laughed and sat next to her,

"Then eat raisnets."I answered.

"I ate them all ready. They were the back up for the Goobers. Ya know, I never thought I ever be arguing over which candy is better." She said chuckling, I grinned.

"You've got to be kidding me! I've been avoiding eatting candy for weeks now." I looked around, counting the boxes of plates against the wall, 1, 2, 3... "Fuck! No, there's supposed to be 5 boxes of plates, we're missing PLATES!" I screamed, things have to go wrong. We have less than 3 days til the wedding and we're missing 100 plates!

"Shit, I'll add that to the list of who I need to call and bitch out." She wrote down the number on her trusty notepad she's been carrying around for days now, calling everyone that night after we found that they fucked up.

"Thank you so much! I'm sorry for making you do this."

"Don't be, I'm the maid of honor." She smiled and we contuined on.

"Zack! You need to sweep and mop! the Gaskarth's and my family will be here in like an hour! I swear I'm sorry and I love you for this!" I yelled, as he appeared in the kitchen with a broom.

"I'm ready to go, and don't mention it!" He smiled and me and Stacy moved onto the guest rooms, they were a mess.

"Rian and Vinny!" I screamed, Stacy was behind me laughing, I personally used them as my slaves.

"Yes, what do you want me to clean?" Rian said, coming up the stairs followed by Vinny.

"You know, the guest rooms, please?" They nodded and went into the room and started cleaning.

"Thank you." Stacy said, and began dragging me to her room. "We need to relax." We both feel down on her bed and drifted off to sleep by accident.

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