Can I kill him now? No? How 'bout now?

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Alex's P.O.V

I wanted to fucking murder him. Your never supposed to hit a girl.

" Um ya." I said in the phone and hung up. Rian was trying to hold in his anger. Zack was clenching his fist.

" I swear. I SWEAR! If we hadn't called the police and if we didn't need him for the band I would murder if right on the SPOT!" Zack yelled. He looked funny whe he got mad.

" I pretty sure Matt wants to kill him more then any of us right now." I said trying to calm him down. He sat on the couch and I was standing over Jack's body. He was slightly awake. I wanted to raise my foot and just stomp it on his face. The door opened to the same police officer who arrested us.

" What happened?" The guy asked. I all ready explained this.

" He comes over with his girlfriend and goes bellistic." I said sitting on the counter. he walked over to Jack and looked down then us.

" Did you do this?" He pointed to me. Come on,me?really? of all people me?!

"Show himt he pictures." Zack said standing up. Oh right the camera! I turned around and grabbed and turned it on. Skimmed to where the were and handed it to the police.

" He did this to Stacy?" He asked. How the hell did he know Stacy?

"How do you know Stacy?" Rian asked. He finally wasn't muttering death threats under his breath.

" The funeral for her mom. I told Jack to call me if he needed anything." He said giving me the camera. I thought her dad told him that.

" Her dad told him that." I said suspicously. What was this guy playing at?

" I was a close friend. She would come over when her parents were fighting." He answered. We all nodded.

" Well I will get an amblance get them to take him to jail." He answered. .That seems fair. He called someone and said that one was coming. After about 10 minutes they came and got him. We said thankyou and grabbed the keys to Zack's car. We got there in 10 minutes and pretty much ran inside.

"Stacy LeRose." Rian said. The nurse looked up and smiled.

"Room 11" She said and pointed downt he hallway. We said thankyou and walked to the room. Aubrey was pacing outside the room. Matt was also.

" Hey what happened." I asked standing infront of Aubrey. I pulled her into a hug. The doctor walked out.

"Well, after doing the weight mesurments. From the last time she was here,she dropped 39 pounds." He said taking his glasses off. What did this mean? Aubrey tensed when she pulled away. I still kept her close though.

"She's anorexic?" Aubrey asked confused. The doctor nodded.

" And I know exactly why she was doing it to." Aubrey said sighing. I looked over to Matt. Rian was helping him stand up.

" Why?" We all asked her.

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