Meeting the Barakat's

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Stacy's POV

It took us 5 hours to get to Jack's house. I felt underdressed.

"Jack, what happened if they don't like me?" I asked askinghim lowering the radio. It was playing Blink-182.

" They are gonna love you." He said turning his head. I didn't let him drive since didn't want to die before I met his parents.

" Turn here!" He said.

" Jeasus Jack! Way to give a girl a warning!" I said turning off. He started laughing. When we got to his house his whole family was standing out there. Holy shit did he have a huge family. We got out and his mom and dad came over.

" Jack!" His mom said and went over to hug his mom. His dad walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back.

" Hi Mr.Barakat." I said and smiled.

" Please call me Bassam" He said when we stoppedd hugging. He walked over to Jack and Joyce walked over to me.

" Hi deary" She said and hugged me. It felt nice to be hugging someone nice. It reminded me of my mom.

" Nice to meet Yo Mrs-" She cut me off

" Call me Joyce."  She and smiled. I smiled.

" Stacy." I smiled

" I know trust me. Jack couldn't go a second without talking about you when he called and told me you we're coming here for Christmas." She said laughing. I satarted laughing to.

" Mom!" Jack said sighing.

" You make me feel like I'm 10 again." He said coming around and putting his arm around my shoudlers.

" Oh,but you are." She said. This amde me burst out laughing. Jack glared at me, but a smiled was forming on his face. We walked inside and our stuff was all ready there. There was a huge tree and about 80 presents under the tree. I met all of Jack's relatives. They we're very nice. We ate dinner and then went to open presesnts. Jack MADE me open his first. When I opened it was a neckalce that said "Stacy" on it in script.

"Turn it over." He said. I did and it said 7- 21-11.

" Aww Jack." I smiled.

" You like it?" He asked

" Like it?  No." I siad

" Oh." He said sadly.

" Love it? Yes." I said and smiled. He helped me put it on and I was happy.

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