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Alex P.O.V.

"Guys, I just got off the phone with that lawyers office." Everyone froze and gulped.

"So, how bad is it?" Rian asked, Matt nodded with big swollen up eyes, he missed Stacy so much.

"Jack dropped the charges, the band is ours!" I jumped up, and began screaming like a freak of nature, they guys all rushed forward to hug me.

"I'm glad guys!" Matt said, laughing, "But in a serious, tour manager, note, we do have a tour we were never able to finish, I suggest we finish it, for the fans." I looked at him, for the fans... but my Aubrey.

"Sure!" The guys shouted, the all looked at me I nodded.

"Sure." I muttered, touring used to be all I wanted to do when I was single, not commited, but now I could happily stay at home and write songs, and then record them. "Imma go tell Aubrey." I said and walked out of the room.

Aubrey P.O.V.

"Oh, tour... part 2." I laughed, "I think I'll pass on it." 

"I don't want to go without you though." Alex said, "I mean you're my wife, and we've only been married a month, I can't just leave?" 

"You have to, I mean we can't have Rian singing, we know how scary that is... C'mon, its a makeup tour, it'll be like a month long, no biggie." I shrugged, and finished hanging his last shirt in his closet.

"But baby..." He whined.

"No, you are going, no buts." I looked at him and smiled, "C'mere." Our lips met and he pushed me down on the bed.

Stacy P.O.V.

Travis was over and we were watching some kind of scary movie in the living room, Travis picked of course, thinking that I would freak out and let him hold me or something. "How in this world are you not scared?"

"My life used to be scarier, Travis." I said, as the busty blonde got killed by the killer in the mask, he flinched, "Aw, Travis, do you need me to hold you?" I said, he stuck his tongue out at me.

Matt walked into the room, "Hey, Matt." I said, he waved.

"Tours back on, Jack dropped all charges, isn't that great?" Matt said, a huge smile on his face, finally.

"Awesome, so I'm assuming Aub is going?"

"No, surprizingly not, she doesn't want too." Matt said, then looked at Travis, "You better chekc in on these girls, everyday, otherwise we can't leave." Jack probably still would do about anything to get me back, "Better yet, to protect them, mostly Stacy, from Jack, please stay here, or I'm not leaving."

"Sure thing, I wouldn't want Jack to get them or anything." Matt nodded in thanks and walked out, "He still loves you, babe."

"I know... I wish he didn't."

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