I'll throw your beanies away!

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"Alex, wake your ass up!" Matt yelled into the room, "Or I swear you will be drenched in ice water!"

"I'll wake him up, Matt, you just go and make coffee, please." Matt nodded and shut our door, I kissed Alex's neck, "Baby, wake up." He just rolled over and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"No." He muttered, and kissed my head.

"Alexander William Gaskarth, you had better get your bum up right this minute or I swear I'll throw away all your beanies, and your shoes!" He looked at me like I was a evil human.

"Not if I don't let you go." He smiled and tightened his grip, I smirked.

"Oh, Matthew!" I yelled, "I need you to do something for me!"

"Okay, I'm up, you abusive wife." He said and stood up as quickly as possible.

" I'm not abusive. I'm just very demanding." I answered smiling.

" No...Your Aubusive." He luaghed putting on his skinnies.

" Oh whatever." I answered smiling and stood up.

"Zack! Give me my ipod!" We heard some yell.

" No! Give me my red bull!!" He said in a hyped up child voice.

" Fine! On three we trade." I looked out the door. Stacy holding the red bull and Zack was smiling like an idiot.

" Ok!" He said smiling.

"1" Stacy said.

"2!" Zack said

"3!!" Stacy said grabbing her ipod and still holding the red bull.

"Sucker." She muttered smiling.

"Heyy!" He whined.

" Alexx!" Stacy called.

"Ya?" He asked apperaing behind me.

" Good luck with Zack." She said smiling and handing him the case. He sighed and chuckled.

"Coffies Ready!!!!!!!!!!" Matt called.

"Coffie!" Zack bounced up and down and ran down the stairs. We laughed and walked downstairs.

"Travis coming?" Matt asked handing us coffie.

" He'll be here in 2 hours. Matt it's 7 A.M. I'm not even fully awake yet." Stacy answered sitting on the counter taking her coffie.

" We know. But Jack might come around." Alex answered.

" You all ready installed a security camera. And if he tries to come then. We'll pretend that theres a shooting turn off all the lights and hid behidn the couch. Or Travis will all go ninja on him" I answered smiling. They all laughed. Rian came down the stairs.

" To fucking early." He moaned and grabbed a coffie and sat in a chair.

"Thats what you get for going to bed at 3:00."

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Rian said, sipping his coffee, "Whose ready for tour?"

"Not me." I screamed, Alex nodded in agreement.

"I am, kinda, ya know, not seeing Molly is bound to get to me." Zack said, yeah he's seeing my little sister, its twisted in so many ways.

"Not seeing my wife is bound to get to me." Alex said.

"Aws, I'm sorry." I hugged him from behind and laid my head on his back, "Not seeing you is going to drive me up the walls." I kissed the back of his neck.

"You guys are to cute, its sickening." Vinny said as he walked in from the living room.

"Hey Vinny." We all said in unison.

"Dude, the bus just got here. I think goodbyes should be said." Matt said, "And Stacy, I texted Travis he'll be here in 15 minutes, let's not get into trouble before then, please." Matt walked over and hugged Stacy.

I glanced up at Alex, who had got up, "Imma miss you baby, a lot." Alex said, I started crying as he hugeed me tightly to his chest.

"Don't leave me, Alex, don't." I really didn't want him to leave me, but I wanted him to go and make millions of people happy. "I don't mean that."

"Yes, you do,but we both know I can't so we pretend its okay." He was kissing my forehead and nose inbetween words, trying to fit in as many kisses.

"I love you, Alexander." I kissed his lips, "Don't worry about me, just have fun."

"Baby, I'll always worry about you. And Aubrey?" He said looking me in the eye.


"I'll always love you." Then, we kissed.

How All Time Low Fell For Two College KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora