The worse new continues

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Stacy's P.O.V.

Supposly I had the flu and since I've had the flu 5 times, I was under bus arrest.Great.

" 4 weeks bed rest. If anything changes call a doctor." The doctor said

" But-" I tried.

" I got it." Jack said smiling. The docotor walked out to get forms.

" You need to stop trying to get out of things. You and Aubrey and Zack all have the same sicknes.." Jack said puting my hair behind my ears.

" Zack." I said. He was in the bed next to me

" What?" He groaned.

" 4 weeks bed rest," I said.

" What about tour?" He asked,the most inportant thing to him was the only thing he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

" Mike!" Jack called, He walked in

" Ya?" He asked. He was stressed more than all of us.

" What bout tour?" Jack said sighing.

" I can play bass." He said to Zack. He sighed and nodded. I felt bad for Zack. He was counting down to this tour. No litterly he was counting down to this tour. On his calender.

" Sign here." The doctor gave me a pieace of paper. I had to put my name and my last name. Eh I'll make my dad pay for it since he hadn't paid anything in his life. Stacy LeRose. Zack signed it. I couldn;t even understand Zack's hand writing.

" You can go." The guy said and left the room. Jack helped Me out of the bed and Mike helped Zack out of the bed. I was dizzy and it was hard to walk. They gave Mike our medicine. Great i pills. I nearly choked on pills and it sucked.

" Hey Stacy." Zack said as we were walking out of the hospital,

" Sup Zack?" I asked

" I've never had the flu before," He said smiling. Lucky ass

" I've had it 5 times." I said, They were all shocked. And two of the times I was in the hospitla because my parents ignored me. They looked at me as if I was joking,

" Even ask Aubrey" I said

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