Chapter 32

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"Zack Merrick, sir." Zack was panicking as the police took in his information.

"Town of resident?"

"Baltimore, Maryland."

"Why were you speeding 40 miles over the legal speed limit?"

"I just got my new car, and wanted to test 'er out." Zack said, he wasn't thinking that though he was thinking of every cuss word imagineable. "Please, don't arrest me!" He cried out, "I'm in a world wide famous band and tour starts a  three weeks after Christmas."

I froze and turned to glare at Alex, "What?" I said giving him "If-the-police-weren't-standing-infront-of-us-i-would-rip-out-your-eyeballs-and-and feed-them-to-a-pack-of-wild-goats."stare.

"I'll explain later." He said looking back at me.

" Name?" The Police officer said to Rian.

" Rian Dawson" He said compltely freaking out

"Town of Resident?"


" How do you know Zack Merrick?" He questioned him.

"Like he said,we're in a famous band,All Time Low?" Rian said as if the  officer should know who All Time Low was.

" Oh,so your the famous All Time Low." The police officer snickered,

" You know who we are?" Alex asked suprised.

" I have two teenage daughters."  He said and ripped out the pieace of papaer that he had with all of there names on it." He said.

" I'm putting you in jail for 24 hours" He said.

"We have a friend in the hospital." Alex said.

" And we have to get rid of her sucide knife."Alex said.

" Is anyone with her?"He asked.

" No." I answered.

" I'll let you go." He said pointed to me.He tookt he handcuffs off me.

"I'll text Matt." I said.

" Ok." They all said.

" Give me the keys." I said to Zack.

"I can't. they are in my back pocket," He said. I sighed and took them. This was going to a very awkward thing to tell Jack and Stacy.

How All Time Low Fell For Two College KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora