Going Back To My Old Ways,Sucks.

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"Leave a message after the beep" Was in everyones phone. Noones was on and I knew I couldn't call the house.  I opened my bag looking for something. Lipgloss,cellphone,ipod,sunglass,and what I needed the most. A razor. The one that had been with me since 8th grade. I rolled up my sleeve and  went sttraight to the middle of my wrist. I hadn't done this since well...Jack and I were still together. This is what I had to do. This pain will go away.I quickly swipped this acrosse my rist. Feeling the pain was my herion Drug addicts herion was sniffing or injecting. Peace lovers herion was peace in the world. I started crying again when I heard a car skid to a hault and somebody running out.

" Stacy!" Some said and I did it again and again.

" Stop it.Stop it.Stop it." I looked over to see who it was. Alex.

"What are you doing here?" I asked still tearing. He started putting pressur on my wrist and making me stand up.

"You called everybody. We couldn't find our phones." He said pulling his out and texting everybody,I assume.

"What did you do this again?" He asked wrapping some kind of cloth on it. I couldn't answer.

" Because It felt right." I couldn't thin of anything for this.

" Alex. Promise me something" I said as he was speeding back to the house.

"What?" He asked frantically.

"That you don't tell them what I was doing. Please." I begged.

" I can't. I Have to tell them." He said. I could see why Aubrey loved him.  I sighed and looked at them. They were all ready scaring up.

" What drove you to it." He asked pulling over.

" Jess's friends found me. I ran them down to 19th and found that alley. They looked like idiots looking around for me." I chuckled. He smiled a little and got back on the road. My phone rang. Matt.

" Hello?" I asked silently.

" Are you ok?" He panted.

" I cut myself again." I answered looking down.

" Can I talk to Alex?" He sighed. I handed him the phone.

"Matt slow down." He said quickly

" Aubrey slow down. Shes fine. Just a nervous wreck and very lost right now." He said looking at me.

"Eyes on the road!" I said silently.

"Yes. We are coming up right now." He said and hung up.

" Matt is frikening panicking." Alex said with bugged out eyes.

"Aubrey is wondering why and It is just a fucked up sitituation." He said as we pulled into the driveway. Shit. I opened the door just to see Aubrey running towards us followed by Matt and Zack and Rian.

"Are you nuts?!"Aubrey asked me.

"Apperently." I answered.

"Lemme see." She said pulling my wrist forward. She put her hand over her mouth followed by Rian puking in the woods. Zack as white as a ghost and Matt dubstruck.

" Thankyou Alex." Aubrey said to him as he walked over to her.I pulled my hand back.

 "I'll be fine. I just need a little time to think while everything seeps in" I said and pushed past everyone and ran upstair and slammed the door and locked it. I threw the razor in the trash and sat on the bed with my head in hands. I heard a rock thrown at my window I went over to the window just to see an upset Jack on his knees begging for me to come back.

" Get on your knees and tell me you love me" I muttered while giving him the middle finger and slamming the window shut and laying on the bed to wake up and everything to be a dream. But it wasn't.

"Stacy? Can I come in?" Aubrey said lightly.

" Its open." I answered.

"It's locked." She said. I chuckled and unlocked the door and sat on my bed again.

"It's open now." I answered.

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