Chapter 8: Nothing More Than a Casual F***? Isn't That Just How You Operate

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"Ha, Zack you are one of my bestest friends!" I laughed, he was showing me his slutty fangirl photo book, that is actually the title.

"Oh, and she, she's my favorite, her name was Jocie and she totally broke through security and and got naked, we didn't even ask her she just dropped her clothes, she was pyshco though, pure pyshco, she went to jail that night." He said, matter-of-factly.

"That hoe-y slut!" I exclaimed, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Hey, Zack and Aubrey lets go and get something to eat." Alex yelled, his voice made my heart skip a beat, damn him.

"Piggyback ride!" Zack yelled, throwing me up on his back, what was it with these boys and carrying us? Zack ran out of the room with me on his back, Alex looked at us with a hurt look in his big, brown eyes, though the only lingered a second they still sent daggers right through me.

We ended up going to McDonald's, I sat beside Zach and infront of Stacy who sat beside Jack, I was going to sit beside Alex, but he sat at a different table because there wasn't enough seats. "So Alex, the concert was amazing last night, y'all did a great job." I said, please talk to me.

"Thank you." He quickly replied then went back to his 2 Big Macs, my eyes started watering.

"Thanks, Love." Zack said, grinning widely.

"Thank you, Aubs." Said Rian and Jack-Hammer, I looked at Stacy, she noticed my eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said, politely excuses myself from the table(s), Stacy got up and followed behind me, I slammed throwing the bathroom door, "How could he? I gave him the most sacred thing I could've and look how he acts!" I said, not sad anymore just angry with Alex, "I love him, Stace, yeah I actually love someone other than your brother, and he fucks me and then ignores me completely! I'm glad Jack has better manners than those of his best friend's, oh and by the way y'all are adorable together!"

"I know you love him, Aub, I understand why, like me with Jack, but don't put yourself down over him, you are a great person, and I'm glad to know you're geeting over my brother, and thank you, doll." Stacy said, giving me a hug. "Now let's get back out there and make him realise he loves the fudge out of you, first thing though, apply some lip gloss." She hand me her sparkly pink ip gloss and urged me toput it on, so I did and I lloked so much better. "Go get him, sexy thang." I snorted at that.

I walked out of the bathroom and toward our tables my mind focused on Alex, I smiled to myself as I saw the back of his head. As I walked past him, I "Accidently" made my hip bump into his arm, he moved his hand to my hip for a nano second then dropped it, and my heart dropped with it.

Stacy P.O.V.

I walked out of the bathroom after Aubrey, I saw her hip bump Alex's arm and his finger graze her hips for a split second the he moved his hand back and when he did that, her confident steps faultered, and her head dropped a bit. Boy, did I want to rip his balls off and feed them to him, he just needed to realise that Aubrey and him aren't freaking teenagers, this should be adult like not childish, he should just tell her he love her. I looked a Jack and smiled, I'm glad that he didn't want to take things slow, and be a prick. "Hey, Baby." He said as I sat down beside him.

"Hey there." He quickly picked my hand up and kissed it, I saw Aubrey look on with jealousy in her eyes.

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