Chapter 28: The News

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Jack's POV

I slightly waved back. She looked fragile. I felt 3 pairs of hands on my shoulder. Her hand fell to the side. I stiffened.

" Dude,she'll be fine." Alex said. I guess he didn't hear what the ambulance guy.

" They said they didn't know." Aubrey said.

"Your kidding,right?" Alex asked her.

"No." She whispered. I could tell she was about to break down.

"Try calling her dad." Zack said. He was right. He did say if you ever need anything call me. I reached for it in my pocket. My back pocket? Where was it? Oh right,besides the pool and it probably got drenched. Great.

" Use mine." Zack said and smiled.

" Thanks." I said and smiled. He nodded.  I walked out. I dialed the number and I wasn't really sure if it was right either. It answered on the third thing.

" Hello?" I gues it was her fther. He sounded extrememly drunk.

" Mr.LeRose?" I asked. That was her last name right? I was completely freaking out and pretty much forgot everything.

"Ya? Who is this?" He said in a gruff voice.

" Jack." I asnwered. He sighed.

" What do you want Jack?"  He sighed?

" Money?" He asked.

" No. I just wanted to let you know your daughter tried killing herself." I said in a strained voice.

" I know." He laughed.

" You know?" I asked astonished

" Yes. I'm the one who gave her the knife." He said. The line went dead before I could answer.

" Jack!" Aubrey said. I tunred around.

" Ya?" I asked  why did she look nervous.

" She went under. They brought her back." She said smiling at the end.

" Oh thank god." I said in relifence.

" The are letting her out in a few days." She answered

" Till Wednesday. We have to get rid of the knife." She said before I ask when.

" Ya I know." I said knowlingy we had to get rid of the knife. We walked back into the hospital.  Alex Zack and Rian were sitting in three chairs. They stood up. Alex looked like he had been crying. I haven't seen him like that since he was told that he was kicked out of Chucky Cheese for the rest of his life.

" She'll be fine." I said. He hugged me.

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