Chapter 6:TheReal after party

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Stacy's POV

Jack was such a sweet guy. He could easily make a girl laugh no matter what he said. After the concert ened we went backstage. Zack was buff. No I mean REALLY buff. I looked over to Aubrey who was talking to Alex. Jack told me to get on his back. I wa scared but I did. He ran across the room screaming

"DICKKKSSSSS!" And bumped into a wall and i fell off. I bursted out laughing.

" Oh my god are you all right?!" Aub asked me

"Ya. I'm fine." I said between laughs. Alex was aughing at Jack becuase he thought he was such a girl.  We decided to go get dinner. We went to this little pizza parolor on the corner.Jack Made me get on shoulders. This I was scared of. Alex also made Aubrey get on his shoulders. It turned out they had beter balance when they was somehting ontop of them.

"Hey Jack,if you drop me I will keel you in your sleep." I said jokingly.

"Oh and she will."Aubrey said. We all laughed.

"Same goes for you Alex."Aubrey said and he did a dip that made her wobble. She laughed and kicked him in the neck.

"For a girl you have really strong heels." Alex siad laughing

"I know I do." Aubrey said laughing. When we got to the pizza place Alex and Jack let us off. When we got in Jack had to go crazy because he saw triple chees pizza.

"ALEX! I WANT IT!!"Jack whined.

" No. Leave me alone."He had his arm around Audrey. I was holding Jack's hand. After many dick jokes and many disgusting tales we ey and decided to got home. Audrey  and Alex we're going to have a make-out-fest. Jack and I all ready we're. We we're on Jack's bed. Audrey and Alex was  all ready fooling around. It took me and Jack about 15 minutes. I woke up at 9:30. I looked at my watch.

"Oh shit!" I thought

"I have a term paper due!" I was still talking to me. I was half laying on Jack. Alex and Audrey we're sleeping right next to each other. I really didn't want to bother them but i had to. I got up and put on a largeish shirt. Jacks?

"Audrey!" I said

"Whaaaat?" She said

"We have a term paper due in 30 minutes. We have to get to class." I said trying not to wake Jac or Alex or really anyone up.

"Shit! Right!" Audrey got up and grrabbed all her clothes. She got dressed in 10 minutes. I was all ready dressed. All Time Low shit Skinny Jeans and cons.

"Lets go!" I said and grabbed her. We ran into Rian

"Oh my god! Where are you going?" He asked us as we we're running.

" Class! Tell Jack sorry!" I said.

" Bye!" Aubrey said as we ran down the stairs and left the house. We got to the school in 13 minute tops just to find out it as a Saturday.

"We're idiots!" Aubrey said

"No,we're just not smart." I said as we walked back tot he house. We got there faster then we did running to the school. We walked back and everyone was sitting watching T.V. Jack told me to sit next to him so I did. He put his arm around me. Alex and Aub weren't even sitting next to each other.Not even the same side of the couch.

"Hey Jack." I said whispering

"Ya?" He said quietly back

" Diid Alex say something about Aubrey?" I asked. lowly.

" Come with me." Jack said and took me by the hand and led me upstairs into their room and locked the door,

"Alexsaid he loved Aubrey but he didn't want to rush things. So he's gonna take things easy for a few days."Jack said camly.

"Thats it?" I asked because usually there was something else.

"Yup. That's it," He said smiling.

"Do you want to take it easy for a few days?" I asked sadly.

"Ofcourse not! Do you?" He asked unpositive,

" Ofcourse not." I said smiling

"So..tell me about yourself," Jack said.

"Here let me tell you where I know best." I said and grabbed his hand and unlocked hte door and went outsdie. We walked oto Aubrey's and My house.

"Stay down here" I said. I ran upstiars and got my camera and my notebook. I came back downstairs.

"Come on." I said and waited for him to come. They walked outside, she locked the door and walked over to the park.

" I take pictures." I said smiling taking a picture of a tree with three birds in it.  I took about 50 photos. Most of them of Jack and Me and Jac and me since Jack never used a regural camera before.

"Whats the notebook for?" He asked taking it from my hands.

"YYou write?" He asked flipping threw t.

"Ya. I've all wanted to be a author. But really those arent good." I said

" What are you talking about? These are great!"

"You think? I asked

"I don't think.. I know." He laughed and handed me the book back. I laughed,


Alex and I weren't talking at all. I learned alot of Zack though. He was really sweet and really nice.  But I didn't like him how I liked Alex.I learned that Zack enjoyed photography and working out and picnics on the beach.

"Thats Cheesy I know." He said

"It is not cheesy i think that is very romantic!" I  said.

" You really think so?" He asked and I nodded and laughed. 3 hours later Stacy and Jack walked in.

"Hey where did you guys go?" Alex asked them. Oh great he's talking to Stacy and not me.

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