Chapter 11:Thanksgiving.

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Stacy's POV

"Thankyou!" I hugged Aubrey and walked down the hallway and into the bedroom.

" Why haven't I seen you all day?" He asked me pulling me into a tight embrace I smiled and hugged him back.

" I'm sorry. I was catching up with Aubrey." I said and we stopped hugging.

"I know. You were in depression for a week" He said joking.

"Ya toattly." I alughed. He laughed to. We laid on his bed together.Before we knew it was November 27th and we were getting on a plane to go to Virgina. After a 3 hour plane ride and got all of our luggage. Jack was scared of people recognizing him and tacklng him,so he wore a  white hate and black tinted glasses. I laughed.

"What? You don't like my disguise?" He said laughing.

" Ofcourse I do but-" I was intterupted by my mom.

" Stacy!"My mom said and walked over to us and hugged me tightly.

" Hey Mom." I said. My step-mom and I never really got along after my brother died.

"This is Jack.My boyfriend." I said/ She looked confused.

"All Time Low. My favorite band." I said. She sttill looking confused.

"I was telling you bout when we were planing flights? Oh my god mom. you weren't even paying attention. I got a text from Aubrey

" Hey! We just landed in Baltimore! His parent are soo nice! How bout you?" She texted I could see her expresion.

"We just landed in Virgina. Its going..great" I tyed back sarcatically. I saw my dad show up behind her.

" Stace" He smiled and hugged me.

"Dad" I smiled and hugged him back.

"Is this Jack?" He asked when we top hugging.I went over to stand next Jack.

"Yes,this is Jack" I said smiling.

"Your boyfriend. The one you were telling us all about." He said smiling. Atleast someone was paying attention. My dad put his hand out to shake.

"Hi,Mr and Mrs. LeRose." Jack said smiling. Shaking my dads hand.

Aubrey's POV

I got Stacy's text. She never had a good relationship  with her step-mom after her brother killed himself. I sighed.

"Whats wrong?" Alex asked me when we were in the car on the way to his parents house.

" Stacy's step-mom. She doesn't have a good relationship with her after her brother died." I said sighing.

"Her brother killed himself?" He asked in disbelief.

" Ya." I said looking down.

"She was a mess for weeks. She would't talk to anyone. Her mom blocked her out and  I was really the only one who she would talk to...its actually the date tommarow. Shes gonna be a wreck probably. Can you text Jack and let him know" I asked. I looked over and he was all ready texting.

Jack's POV

Stacy really had a hard to time talking to her mom.  got a text from Alex.

" Dude, her brother killed himself. Tommarw is the date. s she is upset now you know why."  I read the text in disbelif. She was hugging and fakely being happy to her family.

"Thanks" I texted back.

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