Fuck,is my life screwed up or what?!?!

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Stacy's P.O.V.

We sat there looking at the wall for god knows how long.

"Aubrey!"Alex called a few hours later. She looked at me and I nodded.

"Go. He's gonna be your husband Go see him." I said smiling and opened te door.

"Thankyou." She said and hugged me.

"No problem." I said and hugged her back. She left the room and I closed it and locked it again. I slid down the wall and sighed. I probably should've guessed something was up. He was allways texting someone when we went out to moies or went to eat dinner. Wy was I so stupid?!  I don't know who long I was sitting there thinking. Somene knocked.

"Who is it?"I asked annoyed.

"It's Rian and Zack. Can we come in?"Zack asked. I sighed.

"I kicked a hole threw the wall. Do you really want to come in?" I asked stil annoyed.I heard one fo them sigh.

" We have dinner. We got pizza."Rian tried again.

"Rian just give up. Shes not going to let us in."Zack said this time quiter.

"She'll let us in one point"Rian said. I heard them put the plate down. And walk away talking. I lied to them. Great,now I have to kick a a hole threw the wall. Easy. Well atleast I thhought it was. I stood up and walked over to the bed and put my favorite red converse on and tied them up. I put my hands ont he wall and I actually wanted to kick the wall. Great way to realive stress,anger,or all of the above. I practiced kicking it. Ok just swing it back and kick it. Don't be just a whimp. You bullied 3 guys because they all turned down Aubrey.

"Ah!" I screamed as I kicked it. Damn that hurt. I looked at the damange. Nice. Complete hole in the wall This is gonna be something to explan to Alex.

Aubrey's P..O.V

"Did she take it?" I asked Zack and Rian asked they came down the stairs. They shook their head when we heard a bang then a yell.

" Second hole." Zack sighed. What?

"What?"Alex said coming to stand by me putting his arm around my waist.

"She said she kicked a hole threw the hole."Rian answered picking up a pieace of pizza and eating it.

"Should I talk to her?"Alex asked looking down at me. I nodded. He walked upstairs.

Alex's P.O.V.

I sighed and alked to her door and sat on the other side of it.

"Sandyyy."I called in my Spongebob voice.

"Leave me alone Spongebob."She said and sniffled again. She has been crying. No duh,Alex. I thought myself. The plat was next to me.

"Want food?" I asked looking at the plate.

"Eat it. I'm not hungry"She answered  could here her pacing back and fourth.

"Calm down."I said trying to realieve her a little bit.

"Why should I?" She snapped. I could tell she either put her head on the door or the wall.

"Because,you'll get worry lines."I answered requoting Aubrey.

" Alex.. Just go downstairs. We both know you don't want to be up here. Trying to get me out of this room. There is no way in hell that I am leaving this room"She said snapping. Ok. Did I really have to resort to this?! Stacy owes me big time. Ok well,maybe she doesn't, just kick the friken door down. Even better!

"Zackkkk!!!!!!!!!!" I said in a sing song tone.

"Ya?" He asked coming up the stairs. I stood up next to him.

"Kick the door down." I whispered. He looked at me liked I was insane.

"Just do it!" I said whispering.

"Thats what she said!"He said laughing. I glared at him. He was alittle taller then me. He sighed and went to the door and walked fast a little and kicked it down. Woah. He was goood.

"There you go."He said smiling. I put my thumbs up an dsmiled and leaned int he doorway. She packing her bags.

"What don't you unerstand. I don't want to talk to anyone!" She shriked. Tears were pourng and she was slamming her stuff in her bag. What did I do?

" Look,stop. I'm sorry." I said and walked over to the other side of her bed and started taking out her clothes.

" Stop it Alexander William Gaskarth!" She yelled at me. I saw the two holes in the wall.

" No. You stop." I pressed at her dumping her stuff at the ground

"You just can't runaway when going gets tough," I said pointing at her Oo I sound tough now! I was smiling inside

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do."She whispered. I sighed.

" I just don't want you to do anything rash." I said putting my hands up.

"Notice that I wasn't the one who kicked down the door." She said going and picking up the door and moving it to the side

"Ya. but you did kick two holes in the wall." I asnwered crossing my arms. She sighed and put her hand in her back.

" I actually kicked one. I moved the dresser because "someone" dropped his cellphone." She answered quietly on the last part.

"You can do-" She stopped me,

" I could do so much better? Matt all ready gave me the speech."  She answered.

"You have some nerve showing your face again." We heard someone yell. We walked out of the room. It was Jack and bitchy bimbo blonde Jess.

" What do you want?!" Stacy screamed.

"You,please baby take me bac please!" Jack begged on his knees.

"Aw ok Baby." She said walked down the stairs. He got up and ran towards her. She put her hands on his shoulders and whispered something. He nodded.

"I don't forgive assholes." She said in a tone that made him scared. She struck him in strucked him in the gron. He fell this time saying mommy and fell to his knees. Jess came up to her.

"Come on hit me." Stacy said. They were nearly touching. Stacy could easily take her.

Stacy's P.O.V

"Come on hit me." I threatened. She looked at me and smirked. She took a swing at me and I ducked. I was in no mood for her to actually hit me. She grabbed me b the hair and this time no one was stopping me. Thankyou very much!  I gripped onto her hair only to find out she was wearing a wig.

"YOU BITCH!" She screamed.

" O!  Little girl going to try to gett her fake hair?"I asked dagling the wig over her hair.

"Don;t talk to her like that." Jack said pointing at me. I kneed him the groin again. He went down again and didn't get back up this time.

"Wy don't you just hit me?" She whispered smiling and evil smile. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned aroud just to see Jack punching me as Zack,Rian,and Alex going to get him . I fell to the ground just to see everything go black. Great. My life rocks.

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