The Memories never Fade

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Stacy's POV

When we got back to the place I told Jack I was going upstairs to change my clothes and nodded. I wasn't really going to, I was going to cut my I all ways did. I took the knife from my bag. I heard someone pull up. I looked out the window. Alex and Aubrey.

" Oh crap" I muttered. I sat on the bed and did two quick slices on on wrist. Seeing the blood came out was like music to my hears.I heard someone running up the steps. Shit. Aubrey. I quickly did another slit across the other wrist.

"What are you doing?!" She gasped.

" Aubrey-" I tried to get her to calm down and not to call Alex.

" Alex!" She called. He came up the steps.

"Ya? Are you allright?" He asked her.

" Look!" She said pointing at me.

" Oh my god." He said and went to the bathroom to grab wrap.

" Alex, I dont want it" I said

" Give your wrist." He said grabbing it.

" Do you want me to tell Jack?" He asked standing up.

" No! The only reason I'm doing it because my brother died today!" I said. My eyes must've got glassy becuse he told me that his brother commited suicide to. I looked at my wrist and I saw that it was all ready turning into a scar. My cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked I didn't relize the number.

" Is this Stacy McEnti?" The guy asked me

" Yes? Who is?" I asked. Alex left and Aub left

" This is Officer Jo Centr" The man said

" Ok? Can  help you?"I asked

" Your step-mom was murdered" They man said.

" T-Thankyou. How did she die?"I asked

"A terriost wanted to kill somebody. They saw her shot her in the arm. Then shot her in the head. The slit her neck, and decapted her" The man said pretty much giving every deatil.

" Thankyou for calling me." I whispered and hung up. I felt a tear roll down my cheeck. I couldn't let anyone know what I just found out. I didn't know why I cared. Imean she never liked me.

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