Chapter 31

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Aubrey P.O.V.

"What are we going to do at the house? 'Cause eventually someone will need to cut something." Zack said, the moment we stepped into the hallway.

"Zacky, really, we get a safe and only we know the combination for it, durh." Rian stated as if it was as clear as crystal.

"Guys, this is serious, she about died, okay? One of your friends about died, one of your best friend's girlfriends about died and you're making jokes?" I raised my voice at them, and glared at Alex who was laughing, he shut up and then glared at Zack and Rian. "My best friend about died." I screamed once we were in the elavator.

"I'm sorry, Aub, I didn't mean to upset you." Rian said, smypathy in his eyes, "I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me neither Aubrey, you know we all love Stacy, its just that we're stupid and inconsiterate."

"Yeah, they've always been like that." Alex said, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Stupid, douchebags." We all laughed, the mood finally lightened for the first time in days.

"No more jumping into pools in December, boys." I said, as we walked out of the elavator, "Where are we going?" I asked, just now beginning to wonder.

"Oh, Burger King, I'm hungry." Alex said, tugging my hand.

"I'm driving!" Zack yelled, he drove like a maniac, I am actually scared as shit to get in a car with him.

"Okay!" Alex yelled, he always insisted on not driving, I personally don't think he can manuvier a car without hitting a little old lady. We all jumped into Zack's highly dangerous looking car, I gulped. I ended up beside Rian in the back, and Alex was in the front.

"Yo, dawg." I said to Rian in my gansta voice, everyone laughed at me.

"Watsup, homie?"

"Just the usual, doing e'rbody I see." Everyone laughed again, I smiled.

"Why ain't ya doing me then?" He asked in his gangsta voice.

"Cause, I'm really not looking at you!" I smiled brightly, "And it's to small back here anyway to be doing anything like that." I winked, and the guys laughed again, then I heard sirens.

"Zack, are they after you?" Alex asked, his eyes bulging out of his head.

"Uh, no... maybe." I looked at him, "YES!"

"Pull over now!" Rian said, being the mature one. I've never been in a car the cops pulled over, I started freaking out.

"Oh my God, we're going to jail, and my Mom will hate Alex even more and then she'll hate me too!" I babbled.

"We aren't going to jail." Alex said, "And is that even possible?"

"Probably so, but she does hate you a lot." The police officer knocked on Zack's window.

"Yes, sir what seems to be the problem?" He pput on his sweet, I didn't know face.

"Well, you are gonna have to come with me young man..."

A/N: Guess who might be going to see All Time Low tomorrow? Me, Nicole(:

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