I'll go but I am not smiling

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Stacy's P.O.V.

I checked out Twitterr just to find

" Miss you!" @AlexGaskarth

" Come visit!"@RianDawson

" Answer my text messages!"@MattFlyzik. I missed him the most. The ngiths were he would take my shoes and put them on his hands and walk on his knees. Or when he would get so drunk he would get in the same bed with me lay ontop of me. I laughed to myself

" What are you laughing at?" Aubrey asked coming inside.

" Alex,Rian,Matt." Is said smiling.

" Skype me!!!!!" @ZackMerrick.

" How do you feel about going to see them?" Aubrey asked putting her head on my head.

" THat would be great." I smiled. I missed them to much.

" That's great because..I have a surprise." Aubrey said and I stood up.

" What now?" I asked laughing. She went over to the door and opened it showing Zack,Alex,Rian,Matt and worst of all...Jack.

" Zack!" I said and ran up to them all and hugged them all holfing onto Matt the longest but stoped when I got to Jack who had his arms wise open.

" Fuck you." I muttered and walked over to Aubrey.

" Than god she said yes." Alex said laughing.

" Then we'd be screwed!" Zack said smiling.

" Since she doesn't answer skypes." Rian said pointing to my computer.

" Right.. I never explained that." I said sitting on the couch arm.

" Why was it?" Matt asked.

" Because somebody wouldn't stop fucking skyping me" I said pointing to Jack.

" What the fuck dude." Rian said with his arms on the side. They all hated him. I kinda felt bad...wait mentally slap myself and relize what a pieace of shit he was.

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