Shopping with Travis is awkward.....

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

We all woke up around 2 in the afternoon. Mady and Nicole we're all ready gone :(. When I stood up I got this head banging headache.

" Headacheeee." We all complained walking down the stairs.

" Fist pumping...jumping on couches. To much." Stacy said as she grabbed the Advil and and handed it to us.

"LETS GO SHOPPING."Travis yelled. We covered our ears.

" Travis. Shh!!!" I said

" I'll go change. My your shirt Travis." Stacy said. We both looked at Travis. He was wearing Stacy's shirt.

"What happened last night?" Travis asked. We all stood there confused.

"I'd rather not know." Stacy said after 5 minutes.

"Ya..Same here," Travis and I said together. We walked upstairs and changed. Stacy gave Travis one of Zack's t-shirt. We walked downstairs and grabbed our stuff. Travis decided to drive so we we're holding on our seats since we didn't want to die.

"We're here!!"Travis yelled as we pulled in.

"Let's go dress shopping!" He said in his girly voice. He grabbed our hands and pulled us in the mall all the way to "DEBS" . I picked out a dress that went all the way done to my feet. Stacy picked one that went down to her knees. And Travis got on that fit him.

"PICTURESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" Travis yelped and grabbed his camera and took a picture of all us. After buying the dress....yes Travis bought his own to. We went to HotTopic and bout all Black we could.

"I feel so goth" Travis said with no emotion in his voice.

" I know right" Stacy and I said in the same tone after we left the store. Stacy dragged me into a Halloween Store and made me dress up as elmo.

" I fucking hate you both" I said laughing while Travis took a picture and sent it to Alex saying

" HELLO FRIEND". Then I dragged Stacy into putting a Mafia uniform.

"I feel so leathey" She complained as we both took pictures. Then,ofcourse,we put Travis into a wedding dress that he was happy to put on.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED" He yelled. Getting us kicked out fo that store to. We ended eating at Ruby Tuesdays

" SOOO what should we do when we get back?" Stacy asked.

"Pin the tail on the donkey!" I said as I drank my drink.

" YES" We all screamed together. We didn't get kicked out though

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