If Love could,it would. Chapter 35

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Stacy's Pov

They all came in. Well not Jack. He was talking to Alex. Rian,Zack,and Matt all stared at me. They heard the conversation. I was sure of it.

" Damn. Alex didn't tell Aubrey?" Rian asked shocked

"No." I sighed.

" Did you throw this at him?"Matt said picking up the boz of tissues.

" About that..." I said trailing off.

" So you did throw it at him" Zack snickered.

"Yup."I laughed.I looked down and sighed.

" Why didn't he tell her?" I asked still looking down.

"He thought if he did then...well she would come and never talk to him again." Matt sighed and sat down again.

"Aubrey isn't like that." I sighed snapping at him. He drew back.

"We know." Zack said trying not to piss me off anymore.

Aubrey's POV

The girl smiled and said thankyou. She walked away. I stared at computer for about ten minutes. I sighed and took another sip of my drink.I got a text from Matt.

" Hey, Alex has to talk to you...or Stacy will slit his neck" He said texting with a smiley at the end, I sighed and texted him back.

" Tell him to meet me at Starbucks. If he wants to talk to me then he should come find me. And tell Stacy,she won't be slitting any more things." I sighed and sent it back. I loved Alex. I really did. But it was two weeks before Chirstmas and I did want to go on tour with him...But how do I tell him that?

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